when we got home, everyone pengsan-ed. they slept for 3 hours!
for dinner we went to secret recipe near the house. i wish they'd open more restaurants like that, maybe a decanter outlet.

because they took a long nap in the afternoon, all were hyper after dinner. they accompanied me while i did some work.
sunday morning asyraf was in a foul mood. he slept late the night before but woke up at his usual time.
Amboi...birthday anak sape nie, tak dapat invite pun...anyway, anak tan sri sudin tu tgh practise ke utk hari2 mendatang...
sapa lak pakai topeng ijau tu..sungguh scary larr..kalah batman..ha ha ha..sapa lak jd terrorist kecik2..ngalahkan osama dah nie..hehehe
being normal, bday anak affan..
jgn lah jeles, minta2 cepat berjangkit, so, tak payah lah saya main untuk sports carnival this year kan??..hehehehe
salina, terharu i tgk amir tido ngan thomas i tuh. tgk ariff, i rasa nak g culik dia kat umah u skrg gak.
-auntie thomas_
happy belated anniversary sally!ala sweet nya u masa bersanding tu,dulu berdua,skang dah berlima!gosh..how time fly very fast,yg pastinya u mmg role model i,i so adore u lah,i nak baby ramai gaaaaak huhu-pray for me ya cpt rezeki i dpt baby baru
ariff makin mok mok le...cute bangat...kalah lah adik amir
tenkayu for coming to my casa. The kids really had fun. Lepas maghrib the kids went to sleep (usual sleeping time) and bangun the next morning. Bangun pagi terus play with the toys til evening.
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