its so difficult to get a photo of the five of us. last night amir was in his posing mood, so i used the timer function to take a picture of the family...
why was amir in a "posing" mood? because i went shopping and the boys got new clothes...
while i'm advertising, anyone up for some cuppies?
eii this little man amir has the cheekiest grin evah!! geram lah auntie ngan yr grin feels like kunyah2 yr cheeky face..eiiii..nasib auntie takder dekat or else habis amir tau..ekeke- wahh got lots of new t-shirts maaa- all nice one-auntie luvs all of them- ina dah venture into cup cakes lak ker??
Nice cuppies! The other day amri ate 1/2 dozen I bough from cupcake chic. I seriously need to learn how to make them myself. Lovely family photo you have there. Mine is difficult to take :(
the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
A home-maker, wife of a footie nut and mummy of four active boys and a baby girl with very different personalities. Loves travelling, shopping, good food and Manchester United. Spends hours doing (and redoing) lists. Loves order...hates chaos.
hi sally,
lama x tgal comments ;)
nice family photos u have there..
amik lagi byk2 nanti..
Hi, love the clothes you bought for the kids. Where can I get it?
sweet photo esp the mummy,nmpk makin kuruslah!
wowweeee suka wording kat tees tu sumer.
amboii amir kenmain senyum cam iklan ubat gigi jer
eii this little man amir has the cheekiest grin evah!! geram lah auntie ngan yr grin feels like kunyah2 yr cheeky face..eiiii..nasib auntie takder dekat or else habis amir tau..ekeke- wahh got lots of new t-shirts maaa- all nice one-auntie luvs all of them- ina dah venture into cup cakes lak ker??
nape ada cuppies tu? celebrate apa? hehe..amir mmg good mood betullaaa..hehe
Very nice family photos, and cute cupcakes too...what a celeb u have done?
amir tu.. mmg slalu buat org geram.. :D big happy family :)
Very nice....
You buat ke cupcakes tu? Looks so yummy!
meriah lah family pics tapi birthday saper plak tu? sedap nyer cupcakes! nanti nak dtg bwk tau ;D
Nice cuppies! The other day amri ate 1/2 dozen I bough from cupcake chic. I seriously need to learn how to make them myself.
Lovely family photo you have there. Mine is difficult to take :(
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