amir had to be carried, kicking and screaming, to the bed. he says he's not sleepy. one minute he was pretending to be asleep, the next he was snoring away (kindly ignore his bright red derwear)...
asyraf is much easier when it comes to daytime naps. just give him his bottle, put him in the playpen and close the door. he can stay there for hours...
this little guy is a breeze. if he doesnt want to sleep, he would be watching the telly. if he wants to sleep, he'd doze off on his own. he had an earlier nap and didnt want to sleep so i played with him for a bit...
and the mom tak sleep together2 ke? my weakness ; during the cuties younger days, when they have their naps, i will be having mine too...that explains the weight gain yg membuak2 tu...
my Ku Wan is so handsome and cute!!..dah lupa dah Ku Mir ngan Ku Din i kejap. dah jatuh chenta ngan Ku Wan yg very the cubby nih. geram nak pelok2 cium2 dia nanti..
bila lah nak jmpa..
-Ti Zu yg cute..-
sungguh lebat rambut asyraff, bila nak botak ni?
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