then, after countless times of not picking up the phone when tssc called, i was summoned to get a new phone by him. my first thought was better get a good one as it had to last another 3 years at least. but i'm not a gadget person, so i bought one that was nice to look at and not for its functions (i wouldnt know what to do with half of them, anyway).
i wanted the blue casing but that was out of stock, so i opted for this instead...

i love it. hubby would laugh at me, i'm sure, and would tell me repeatedly "that's so not you..."
erin...not the one you wanted but close enough...
my hp pun need to be replace with a new one. but still haven't decide when nak beli baru tu... model dah ada in mind.
i have to agree, that so not you ;)
oh tidakkkkkkkk!!! patutlah suruh jenguk blog dia..rupa2nya... dia telah menyambar ini h/set yg ku lak tu...
i want one! i want one!dah ada stock eh..orang nakkkkkkkk!!
looks so sleek! cantiknya. i'm like u too, wouldnt know what to do with 1/2 of the functions. i tau make & answer calls & guna sms. nokia hp je i paling reti guna sbb it's user friendly (to me!) :)
Congrats congrats.. U finally bought a new one. It took you 3 years? huhhu.. it took me 2 years to buy a new one after my hp several times repair still rosak. all becoz of Aidan who loves to play with it lemparlaa hisaplaa.. keh keh keh!
eh hello!
after a few unanswered calls fron tssc?
thats not y u got that fon lah...
it was me who told him urs rosak...thats y he told u 2 buy...
if not, mmg tak dapat...
betul tak tisu?
my hp pun dh lebih 2thn..bateri pun asyik kong je..aim sony ericson juga..nape ek best lak tgk sony tu..hehe.. jeles sey.. bila ntah nk blei bru..hehe
ahhh new phone...cantikssss
saja je i rasa baru 1-2 times i komen kat sini but sll jenguk blog u..we met once at dotty's house during aidan's party
wah bestnya new hp!eh kita sama la,i pun tau pakai standard function jer,dah tu game ke,mp3 ke,abis sumer tak tau-faillll..i thnk blue color lg ngam ngan u kot,tp pink ni pun ok,ayu2 gitu heheh
Hi Salina
Sorry to say this - but Ckn has the Blue colour Z610 - a gift from me sempena kelahiran Erica last March!
Anyway - the colour is SOO u la! nice pink and fluffy... on 2nd thought...
Yea, it is really not you. hahaha.
Anyway, my sister have a phone that exactly mcm yg u beli. And in fact, it is really nice to have (sony kan, best best) with the features etc etc n the sounds too. so tak rugi pun u beli that one. if u want to know anything, please ask me. hehe. or any theme or whatever related lah. hehehe. true..
and wasn't it tssc who bought her the phone..?
oh tiza...if only u hadn't lied for her....
*ref to various previous blogs where eiseai mentioned she didn't want to pick up tssc's calls cuz she didn't wanna hear him nag about maids and stuff.....
i did say that he bought the phone for me
and i didnt want to pick up the phone because the battery was depleting and i cant charge the phone. that's exactly what i told him when i called him back from the house phone. and i did say i was going to get a new phone in april with my own money but he was the one who asked me to get it please get ur facts first before posting comments on my blog...thank you
alahai... i loike that phone hehe.. bukan phone sebenarnya.. the color..haha..makes me terliur ok..
nak gak new hp.. tp yg skang ada ditangan ni pun tak sempat cecah setahun lagi..
cina kat Hubby tak tuko HP hehe..
mcm minat kat n95 haaha..
apa2pun mmg cun la.. sally!
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