so for lunch on saturday, i made baked pasta. i made enough for two meals. saturday night's dinner was yummy but so, so simple. i made rice and kubis masak lemak while hubby fried the fish. between the four of us, we finished all the rice in the cooker and the fish and veggie. and someone said he wasnt hungry! sunday breakfast was little bit of the pasta to go with the french toast hubby requested. amir had his usual corn flakes.
lunch on sunday was my chicken chop. making the mashed potato and accompanying veggies were easy enough. even the chicken was easy to make...thanks to my deep fryer. but i was a bit sceptical about making the gravy. looks easy enough but i havent made any kind of gravy before.
sunday dinner is to finish up whatever that's left in the kitchen.
the bad part about this particular weekend is the boys' noses. asyraf & ariff are having really bad flu. we took them to the nearby clinic saturday night. asyraf was easy enough...he was given phenergen.
ariff's turn. first the doctor asked why was his chest red. i said, i guess its because we were carrying him. she said maybe its something else. she checked his arms...nothing, his too, she was a bit worried when she checked his back. ariff has some sort of a pimple just below his right shoulder. her diagnose could be chicken pox. she said to monitor him closely. if there's more pimply-dots on his body then its confirmed, chicken pox. oh god nooooo!! not ariff! when she was checking his temperature and listening to his chest, she said...nebuliser. oh poor baby. he's never been sick his 4 and a half months and now, both wheezing and chicken pox.
today we monitored him. he seems ok. his chest and back werent red anymore and the pimple has dried up. i know i would prefer the boys to get the pox early on but i really wasnt prepared for that yesterday. not now, not yet...
the boys put on a fashion show before going to bed...
last time i jenguk blog u, and didnt have much time to leave comment was masa u tulis u had the contraction pain..okies so i nk tanya is it still there?u perharps better buat check up, coz sumthing left over from previous birth was not sumthing to be liked- so gi check yer mam..and alahh remuk tul tgk ariff kena pakai dat nebulizer ker apa ek..i pun tak tahu, hopefully he is recovering from his fever - i mmg fobia kalua fia demam sb nya - her post-ill was always awful :( - i jd stress somehow and lg satu anak i nie tak mo mkn ubat-kalu nampak botol ubat satu kg cheetham nie dgr die nya raung + fake botol that eventually lead to muntah - tp kan biler tgk fashion show amir and asyraf..hahaha..lucu bangat..oh and yerp i duk cheetham since i kawin tp dulu i dok old trafford, realy near to yr fav place leh dgr org duk cheer kalu ada game..ekeke..anyway, last nite u must be on top of the hil mrs- arsenal kalah by 4-0 ngan Man U kan..ker more..hihi i dok layan cerekarama kat youtube while my hubby dok tgk kat atas- but i text my mum bgtau tuh sb die mmg stay up tgk sampai kul 3..hahaha..die geng ngan u!!
alaamk fake botol = fake batuk :)
amir...asyraf...saper punya baju tu......
kesian Ariff...
Pheewit! Fashion show.. baju saper tuu? hhuu
Btw your bake pasta looked so delicious! Buat i lapar jer..
terliur tgk ayam...
ala..syian ariff..get well soon syg-i thnk ur blog dah jadik tmpt rujukan baru i kalau i takde idea nak msk apa,kalu dpt bg resipi skali,lagi bagus!;)
happy anniversary, nina...
Cute betul fashion show tu! I got one photo of Ashraff wearing hubby's jersey. I think I better do it with aliff jugak.
Oh god! Poor Ariff. Hope he's well now. How's your pain?
that french toast made me hungry and drooling..... :D
hope you and the boys are feeling better now
ariff .. i hope cepat sembuh ok ... kak sally good job makin rajin ke dapur .. nk ciluk resepi2 satu dua kt sini okies ... sy sgt suka fesyen show tu ... serius comei bangat ;-)
lama i tak jengok kan, as you know, too many things going on...
and from the way i look at it, this whole month will not get any better :(
weeee, comeynya pakai baju besat.
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