...screaming. that's what we do now. there's no more "amir, please stop..." or "asyraf, no..." warnings. now its just "amirrrrrrrr..." and "asyrafffff..." at the top of our lungs. i must really thank everyone who say the boys are cute and all that. but beneath the 'cute" facade lies three little terrors (yes, ariff can have his screaming days too). three terrors who jump on the bed, climb the sofa, throw water at each other, kick and scream, pull shirts, hit heads, throw toys out of the windows, eat everywhere.
...talking. we thought asyraf was 'the quiet one'. but how wrong we were! he hasnt said his first word yet (dada comes close) but he can babble away like his abang long. i cant wait to hear him talk and to see whether he has the same sing-songy tune like amir. amir comes up with the funniest words to explain his feelings, like "air turun dekat purut amir dah" when he has quenched his thirst, "amir malu" when the light shines in his eyes (silau lah tu), "air pudas" to every carbonated drink, "amir sakit purut nanti" when he's full.
but despite all the screaming and the panadols we've shoved down our throats, we still want more babies and we still want only boys.
sis, suka la tengok bebudak tuh..cute & clever.....especially si asyraf tuh..muka dia cam mat saleh lor...lain dari yg lain...sowii amir..auntie dah paling tadah pulak :)
saya even anak baru sorang, kat umah pun dah jadi mcm mak tarzan...jerit nama budak Qistina tu jerk...hazabbbbb :P
hello....been reading ur blog silently for quite sometime now hehe. love ur stories.can pick up tips on how to handle a toddler hehe...and i salute u....for successfully taking care of 3 small boys...phheewww...dgr pun rase cm nk pengsan. i have a one year old boy pun dh rase a handful huhu...anyways...ur a cool mom :)
visit me at zaitulchantel.blogspot.com
sambil nyuapkan anak tu, ada tak tersuap ibunyer...ha ha ha...
ler cute nyer si ariff tu.. tembam sungguh.. betul kata being normal tu, mesti ada sekali-sepuluh kali tersuap ibu nyer.. hehehe
uiksss ariff mok mok nyer dier... rasanya lagi mok mok dia banding ariff and amir.
ala..tomelnya dia mamam...
Byk dah entry u i dah termiss js...
very the busy little bee... :D
i agree with ibuhaziq..iman alone is quite handful to handle..let alone 3 boys..i think each day, i gi keje ngn xde suara..:D
sally,i rasa betul2 nak gigit pipi ng peha arif,tak thn tgk,eeee gerammmm!!!and asyraf tu makin lama makin hensem i tgk,dia putih melepak la,amir as usual la muka cheeky dia tu mmg buat org adore dia-so when will be your next one?i mmg tak boleh nak bersaing dgn u,i mengalah dah,u dah ada 3 and already plan for 4,i baru ada minah tu sorang,unless miracle happen i mengandung kembar 3...huhu
oh by the way,lupa nak tnya u,u blh view blog dotty tak?i tak boleh laa..tulis situ i tak di invite to read,huhuh..sedihhnya..i sorang ada prob ni ke or org lain sama gak?
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