the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
A home-maker, wife of a footie nut and mummy of four active boys and a baby girl with very different personalities. Loves travelling, shopping, good food and Manchester United. Spends hours doing (and redoing) lists. Loves order...hates chaos.
cantikla date tu..hee
aha bestnye.. 20 & 8.. :D
u are not going to stop at ariff kan??? creative gitew, 20-8-20-8, mcm we all, segala nombor we have...
ain & ana...kebetulan. i pun baru tersedar baru2 ni...hehe i get the company's blessings to have another? boleh pecah record tak? in 3 years in knb, 3 years maternity leave :)
aa ah kan.isk..santek le 20 8 20 8..pasnih kena 20 la kak sally..nomot 4:D
pst: sy pon suka sgttt gmbar tgn baby tu..sebak ok.:Peh..rajin dgr la lagu jose mari chan tu..beautiful girl..suka sgt lagu yg letak kat blog sy tu:P
cantiknyer nombor kak js..pekater yg no 4 tuh pon 20 something2 ..hihi :)
bukan mmg cita cita u setiap thn sorang ke? ehehehehe.
makcik, happy anniversary to u and syam..rasa mcm baru thn lepas jer buat dulang hantaran tu..hehehe
btw, anniversary i 20.8.. hehehe
kena lagi satu 20 kut ina..its not completed yet u know..blum ada princess ;)..anyway mmg coincident tul lah the date :) HAPPY ANNIVESARY to you..!
Happy Anniversary!
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