
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Week 37 - Preparation

with roughly 4 weeks to go before we hit the full 9 months (38 weeks), i have somewhat settled the preparation to welcome baby no 5. 6 weeks ago i had basically nothing done, now i'm pretty much ticked everything i listed down. the past 6 weeks was just me making list, browsing, comparing prices, contacting seller, redoing list and purchasing items.

this time around, clothes took a back seat. yes, i still bought some but not many. we focused on the big items as we've given away all of them when we moved 2 years ago. while clothes took a back seat, they were the first things i bought. of course, you can't go wrong with mothercare. i grabbed them during the sale and from someone who shipped over from the UK. i also grabbed some from FOS especially in newborn sizes. i added socks and swaddling blankets to the list as i've given those away, i just kept clothes of the 4 eais.

cot bumpers and comforters…

of course the toiletries...

then came the feeding items - formula, avent bottles, sterilizer, drying rack.

and then the bigger stuff - cot, changing table, bathtub, playpen, car seat and stroller.

i have more stuff on the list, particularly for the next few months - baby cook, baby snug, food feeding items.

there's also stuff for me - maternity clothes (which i wore over and over again for 6 months), maternity belt, postnatal pack, postnatal clothes (thin t-shirts, long pants, socks), maternity pad, undies and the postnatal massage service (which i tried before deciding on)

once the changing table arrived in early september, i set out to wash and fold the clothes and organize the changing table. i like the many, many compartments and drawers of the table.

1 comment:

aisha said...

whattttt!!! padan la akak tak aktif sgt blog this year.. akak prgenant!!! happy nya saya... best best..


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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