
Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Three Octoberians

…will soon be the four octoberians, insyaAllah. october's always been a very hectic month, probably the busiest out of the year. exams top the list this month, for both schools. and then there's concerts and graduations. for this year there was also football tournament for amir and his check-ups with a dietitian. then there is of course, the three birthdays. for hubby and me, there's no more big celebration, just a small family dinner sometimes separately, sometimes together.

this year, with me hitting the last 4 weeks of pregnancy, i was not up to having any celebration, small dinner or otherwise. but my mom wanted to have lunch one sunday, i thought, why not bring over a cake for ariff, the fact that it was 4 days before his actual birthday would be a sure surprise for him. hubby bought him a 10-pack hot wheels set. i asked salwa from juz cakes, who were so nice to accept a last minute request. ariff loved his hot wheels cake. i was also surprised by hubby and my sis with my own ice-cream cake.

of course, we still went for dinner on ariff's actual birthday. again, at chili's. hubby surprised ariff with another gift, a steering wheel that he now carries everywhere.

for my birthday, 3 days after ariff, we went out for dinner at tony roma's. i wanted to escape chili's but wanted somewhere nearby, considering it would be monday the next day. so it was the same venue, different restaurant.

hubby's birthday the week after was a family dinner, like me, at chili's, like ariff. we went before the actual day as i was schedule to be admitted for delivery on hubby's birthday and did not want to stuff myself with a big dinner the night before.

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the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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