
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Wheels In My Head...

i have loads to write but can never sit and pen them. they're all still in my head, jumbled up with new things going in and not churned out. i gotta get them down and clear my head, else the wheels would never stop spinning.

i got a couple of recipes that i've promised but never did put them in an entry. i've also got a huge project underway now. i'll be updating them because i really need them out of my head. but they will not be published until its finally done, insyaallah in less than 3 months time. so for now, all updates pertaining to this project will be private :D

a bit on my 2 youngest boys. ariff now has a say on how he wants his hair to look like. no more botak for him but his hair is course and sticks to his head (like his father's) so it won't grow like amir's. it would just look like his has a lump on his head. hubby to him to the barber a couple of weeks ago and he decided he wanted a trim on the side and a bit on top. now he combs religiously...ah, another one in the house *sigh*

my baby still goes bald, or forced to go bald. akmal's hair is fine and soft. if he grows it out it doesnt look bad, more like amir's hair than ariff's. but for some reason he gets rashes on his head, like cradle cap, so its better for him to go bald. of course its not an easy process as he screams bloody murder every time we take out the shaver.


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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