
Friday, December 14, 2012

Project 3: The Boys' Room

this one is a live project. never-ending! every time i clear a space, it gets cluttered again. the first to be cleaned were the closet and their individual drawers. clothes were passed down from one boy to another, akmal getting most of them, since he got from asyraf & from ariff (asyraf's clothes can't be passed down to ariff since they're both roughly the same size).

that done, i moved on to their toys. this i had to do without them seeing as they'd probably hide the stuff i wanted to throw. so i planned this for a weekday but things didn't go according to plans, as i got a wee bit cheesed off with them one saturday, locked their door and threw away most of their toys. they stood outside their door, open-mouthed, when i came out with 2 garbage bags full of toys. so there, piss me off, why don't you?!

toys done, next were their dvd collection. and goodness me! i've never seen so many thomas cds before. i thought i cleaned this recently but their collection seem to breed, more so after the many superheroes movies in the summer. i think what made it look messy and unkept were the cases. took up a lot of space. made it difficult to look for each case, therefore most cds ended up being left on the player and not back in their case.

so i went out to get the cd storage cases, arranged all the cds and labelled them accordingly. after 2 weeks, the space still look pretty good. the space is cleared, the boys are able to keep the cds back in their cases (except akmal) hence less scratches and spoiled cds. other than cleared space, the boys found many cds they haven't watched for so long. that kept them occupied for a couple of days.

the toy area. toys divided into - toy story stuff, cars, superhero stuff, lego (the ones with covers) and 2 big buckets of thomas (just because the sets are bigger than the rest).

the cd space. too many cases taking up the place initially, now cleared.

cd cases thrown away.

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the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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