
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Amir is Five

amir turns 5 on friday. 5 years of questions, 5 years of membebel, 5 years of degilness, 5 years of nak nak nak, 5 years of laughter, 5 years of loyar buruk, 5 years of takut, 5 years of kelamness, 5 years of learning and 5 years of teaching.

previously, hubby and i didnt think much about and spend much on birthday presents. we buy something to keep the birthday boy occupied for a while and that's it. this year, we planned. primarily because amir has reached a phase where he can show real interest in something and appreciate that we acknowledge that.

amir's been playing the games on hubby's phone recently so hubby decided to get him a handheld game. i wanted to get him turtles as pets. amir still talk about that cricket (aka grasshopper) that got away. unfortunately we didnt have time to get him a birthday cake on his birthday, so we bought the cake on saturday. amir wanted a ben10 cake but i ordered too late from secret recipe, so i scrapped the idea.

tiza came over on sunday, bringing with her a gameboy and a ben10 cake. since we've had the candle-blowing session on saturday, we decided to send the cake to school. they can only have 1 candle-blowing session per more than that, house rules!


Anonymous said...

happy birthday cheeky young man! i know u'll enjoy playing games. u can live with games all day long which is not a bad thing at all at this stage. at least u leave your three bros alone and give me peace of mind....i love u man!

dieya said...

happy birthday amir! growing up so fast! named your turtles yet?

egain said...

Happy Birthday. Have another great year. Cute pics - can see the third one trying to blow the candles from so far away

Erin - Ibu Qistina + Qaisara + Qamilia said...

Happy 5th Birthday Amir... dah besar dah dia..
Semoga menjadi abang yg terbaik utk adik2 ye..
miss amir so much :)

Qistina pun tahun ni 5 thn.. tp bulan August nanti...
sedih pun ada bila anak semakin membesar..teringat zaman dorang masa baby2 dulu...


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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