
Sunday, October 05, 2008

Aidilfitri 2008

clothes prepared...

food cooked, cookies bought...

heads botaked...

raya this year was good. i would like to spend all my rayas like this. first day was at home (ahhh wonderful). i felt relaxed, i could prepare breakfast for my family, dress the boys in matching clothes and spend the morning together as a family...

after breaksfast, we went to damansara,

and then to kota damansara,

and back to damansara with some illegal substance...

second day we went to maran. the boys were hyperly active. they didnt nap at all. and of course, they screamed the car windows down on the way back.


Jungle Playland said...

Selamat Hari Raya Nina and family!

Gulai Daging nampak so delicious! Acar timun Mr.I ker buat?

I like the way you plan your raya.. baju semua matching.. This year i'm the only one yang baju tak matching.. i have learned my lesson, kena tempah baju at least 2months before raya..huhuh

Did your boys had fun balik kampung? Aidan was so excited to see ayam, lembu, kambing..

Jemputlaa datang beraya... house sentiasa open.

mom2que said...

pic #14 so priceless, mak grin sampai ke telinga, anak songkok tutup mata hehehe. some pics u'd smile seeing it over and over another 10 yrs down the road.

btw selamat hari raya!

emly2175 said...

baru je singgah baca blog u dear.. read that u are preggy for your 4th child. betui ke yg I baca tuh? if yes, congrats to u ..
Like your color tema baju raya..So sedondon.. selamat hari raya to u..

mar!ahaf!z said...

cantik la baju raya semua tu .. geram je tgk..

Anonymous said...

sronok tul beraya jika dpt bersama dgn fmly kan...kena lak tgk gelagat anak2..main mercun..dpt duit raya..arghhhh speechless keseronokannye!..hehehhe..
anyway..SALAM AIDILFITRI ..MAAF ZAHIR BATIN to u n ur fmly sis..hav a good raya ;o)

Anonymous said...

seronok betul tgk family kak sally ni.meriah yang buat hati nk anak2 ramai lagik.heheh

rasanya next year yang ikot style kak sally,first day beraya dirumah sendiri.spend time together with family.lagi bermakna kan?

eiseais said...

selamat hari raya to you and your family too Dott.

gulai daging memang sedap, thanks to you and the rempah. buat also not difficult kan? yes, acar timun hubby buat. i had 3rd helpings even though tak lapar just because nak rasa the acar :)

to matching baju raya for the family. dah plan colour for next year dah pun. unfortunately my baju will still be plain because baby no4 still small - still tarik here and there.

mom2que...itu mummy dia sengaja tolak songkok tutup mata dia cos he sooo notty...hahaha. selamat hari raya to you and your boys :)

emly...yes, no 4 is on the way :) the baju all from same gulung of kain. unfortunately needs good ironing so most prob the boys will only wear once cos i hate ironing! hehehe

mrs hafiz...thank u :) ni kain dari last year actually, tapi since last year ariff muncul 5 hari before raya, tak buat baju baru. kain bring forward lah kira nya...

gee...thanks. selamat raya to you and your family :)

fara...i rasa raya rumah sendiri ni elok utk my family sbb anak ramai. kang tak terurus pulak. dok rumah sendiri at least kita comfortable, diorang pun comfortable. nak siap2 kan diorang dah 1 issue, nak make sure diorang tak meraung is another issue. tapi i rasa hubby i tak suka sangat cos sunyi lah jugak raya rumah chaos...


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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