
Monday, August 07, 2006

Much Awaited Shopping Spree

two weeks ago, hubby and i had a "hari memotong credit card". we paid off all our credit card bills and cut all but 1. very proud of ourselves. from now on, we'll be living on cash and not on plastic. this will be our first month - trial period, hope it works out ok.

after i paid off my cards, my bank account balance, obviously, showed an-almost-nil balance. i was thinking...ok that's it, makan pasir from now on. then on sunday, a surprise came our way. alhamdulillah. it was enough for a shopping spree at 1 utama. first i went to motherclub. i needed some light (casual, non-work) maternity tops. those i have are only suitable for office. i needed something i could wear on weekends. then we went to parkson. amir needed some new pajamas. he's been wearing his 6-12 months or 12-18 months clothes for ages. malu nak pass down to his siblings, with the milo stains and susu stains and other food stains. we bought him almost 10 new pajamas. all besar-besar...2-3 years old. we also bought him a nike backpack so that he can put his tumbler and change of nappies and what not. this backpack is also in anticipation of a 2nd surprise that came our way on sunday.

my dad tiba meniba asked if we wanted to go on a trip. he's organising a short trip (about 5 days) for him and my mom and my 2 sisters to gold coast. apa lagi...hubby was screaming in KL, f***ing say yes, according to his sms. the trip will be before puasa. i think during fasting month, my dad plans to go to mekah yet again.

so today, off i went to the immigration department to renew my passport and apply for a new one for amir. lets not get into that. as usual, the government services department leaves a lot of unpleasent memories. takpe...we're going on a holiday, that's what matters.

after picking up hubby from work, we're stopping by at 1utama again. i need new shoes and a new backpack. oh...and i wanna get a pair of jammies for amir that i've been eyeing.


Hot Mama said...

Yeee! Bestnya go holiday! So did u manage to renew ur passport. now one day dah siapkan...

eiseais said...

HM...yup, finally dpt. after begging them to open the counter khas for special ppl (pregnant, old citizen etc). mine should be ready today, but amir's siap tomorrow.

mock said...

woohoo!!! we're finally goin sumwhere!!!!

i plak yg excited!!

trueblue said...

1 credit card je now? but credit limit sure banyak kot..hehe...

Its goodla..Tak payah berhutang banyak sangat

eiseais said...

mock!! yeah...finally man. tapi sure u go, sighhh minah ni. we're going to gold coast. hmmm...can imagine u and ur rolling eyes.

trueblue, yups 1 only. limit tak byk pun. we cut the limit as well. and we're trying to stick to zero balance every month. for emergency only. alhamdulillah, so far so good.

mock said...

apsal lak i nak roll my eyes? janji go sumwhere, tak kisah la, gold coast, silver or bronze coast ke...

i ni susah nak amik cuti pjg la skrg. so tengah sebok kumpul leave for yr end....masa tu they cant stop me coz cannot carry fwd byk2!!


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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