
Thursday, May 18, 2006

On My Day Off

i thought i can rest (doctor told me to...) but with this boy around, not much resting can be done. i got a 2-hour nap in the morning, that's because he slept too. we cuddle-cuddle, which was nice since it was raining and the room was cold. and the fact that i havent cuddled him for so long (he hates people holding him when he's sleeping, unless its to rub his back). i actually forgot how its like being a stay-at-home-mum. i forgot when to bathe him, when to give him breakfast, when to give him lunch. it all came back to me, but i was confused for a while.

after nap, we had lunch. gas habis so i had to eat maggi the terdesak way, leave it in hot water. i actually miss the abundance of food in klcc. guess have to wait for hubby to come back before i can eat properly (another 2 hours and counting!!). a peaceful morning...then my little terrorist was at it again.
sleep? what do you mean...sleep??

i want to explore but i want to watch telly too...decisions, decisions...

mummy stop...enough pictures!!



Cherry said...

apasal ada merah kat dahi tu .. kena gigit nyamuk ke ? yeahhhh rest is a foreign word with active boy(s) like ours .

eiseais said...

ninuk...a'ah amir kena gigit nyamuk. mummy dia enjoying the hujan breeze masa morning nap, dia tak ingat anak dia prone to kena gigit nyamuk

Hot Mama said...

Sorry yesterday i rushed off tak sempat nak bye bye.. Anyway will contact u abt next weekend. Hope ur free that day.. Menu of the day nasi minyak tganu. Yum Yum!!

eiseais said...

hotmama - kita2 je ke or hubby skali? hmmm...tersegan plak

Hot Mama said...

ala takkan laa jemput u jer.. i jemput the whole family, ms m tu pun satu family of 3, same with master chef.. i jer berdua.. and satu dlm perut..haha!!

Anonymous said...

amboi amir tu.. nak manja dgn mummy dia la tgh cuti tu..hehe

trueblue said...

Nice bumping into you this morning. Long time no see. The story about the man and the pole was hillarious. Haha!


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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