
Monday, December 24, 2007

New Year, New Look

i wanted to change my blog template for ages but i just couldnt get it in my head, how to do it? i was scared that everything i did on my page would be lost. then on saturday, i worked up the courage to try.

googled for a template site and found this ( its created by an indonesian guy. his templates are really nice. i was torn between 4 designs but everytime my eyes went back to my current template. donno why i liked it. i dont really like the colour, maybe its the chocolate...hehe. (zie...i pun tak berkenan sangat initially). it slowly grew on me and i even changed my navigation bar to match the colour (sekarang rasa macam lawa pulak colour chocolate tu, faith)

i lost a few slide, my links which i had to redo, my allignments ran (which i re-did for the entries on the front page). i changed my profile pix and added the boys pix. i even manage to center-alligned the picture. and at the bottom, i added prayer times. got a serious case of headache trying to change and running after 3 boys. but not bad...pretty proud of myself. pat on my back :)

normal...nanti i'll brief you on how to change your template ye?

mock...this is dedicated to you :)


Anonymous said...

just 1 comment tp...
pls stop living in the past...
thats SO not a recent picture!

eiseais said...

tiza...shaddap. that is my motivation for the year. that is tisu's baju...hahhaa...i think now only 1 leg can masuk the kain.

Anonymous said...

Akak... saya enjoy baca akak nyer blog.. seriously.. salute akak dgn citer ur 3 boys.. tak sabar nak tunggu ur next update.. include 3 new blogs tuh... neway, ur new template nice.. lapar tgk cklat tuh..

Anonymous said...

wah new layout with ur pic :)

Anonymous said...

wahh..kagum..kagumm..xde kaler biru kan...:D


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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