so what's in my mind now...
i dont have anything to wear to work. i cant fit my nice suits anymore (obviously) and i dont have working clothes post-pregnancy, as i've been wearing maternity clothes for the last 3 years to work. its time to visit the brands outlet in ikano...
its a hot, hot day today. been like this for almost 2 weeks. i prayed hard it wouldnt rain on asyraf's birthday. it also didnt rain for 2 weeks after that...
i almost melted from the heat while doing some grocery shopping today. bought drumstick as i wanted some fried chicken...
my laundry dries within 3-4 hours everyday, so that's a plus point of the weather...
the probability of the lrt breaking down due to flood also decreases...
hubby's getting to be a heavier smoker (i know he's going to scream his denial right about now). he's ok with smoking in front of amir. of course he would say he covers the actual cigaratte but no one can cover the smoke coming out like a chimney. he doesnt seem to accept that the smell follows him everywhere regardless if he cleans his mouth and hands. the term 'second hand smoke' is something he scoffs at. he once told me that no one would stop smoking unless they've been diagnosed with some kind of smoking-related disease so i shouldnt hope for a miracle...
i'm addicted to root beer...
this will be the last week when my house will be relatively less chaotic. next week onwards, the house will bear witness to a lot of running & screaming from 7pm - 9pm. at least while i'm at home, the boys clothes for daycare can be prepared earlier, the clothes washed during the day can be folded and kept before the boys come home, the boys clothes & diapers for the night will be all ready on their bed. i doubt their room will ever be this clean again...
ariff's been moody the past couple of days. i think its the heat. its been too hot for him to sleep during the day. i dont put on his socks or botties cos its just too hot. but the plus point is that he would sleep through the night. last night he had his last feed at 10:30pm and i woke him up for his meal at 6:30am as i was up for subuh...
on the contrary, asyraf is more difficult to get to sleep and would wake up for milk in the middle of the night. he also wants to sleep with his bottle (sans the milk) in his mouth. his grip on his bottle is so tight that we cant pry it away from him even after he's fallen asleep...
asyraf drinks a lot of milk. a 700gm box can last from monday to friday at his daycare. we have another 700gm box at home for him & ariff. his carer says that he drinks his full 9oz once every 2 hours...
we buy all 3 sizes of huggies now...M for ariff, L for asyraf and XL for amir. 1 pack would last 2 weeks. we spend a bomb on milk and diapers. at least amir doesnt drink milk anymore. i cant wait for him to be fully toilet-trained...
i dont know what i want to do for ariff's birthday next year. its the week after eid, should i have an open house cum birthday party? it wont be special, would it? should i make a theme? i'm not fond of themes for the boys' first birthdays because its more for the parents than the birthday child. if we dont make a theme it will be just like asyraf's recent party. time to hit the wonderful world of internet...
as i only plan to have big parties for the boys's first birthday, amir's third birthday in the first week of january will be celebrated in his school (pending an ok from the teachers). he has chosen a mickey mouse theme. i found the party loot bag, blowers, balloons and toys to fit the theme in toys r us. i'll probably get a 2kg cake from angel cake house the shape of mickey mouse. i dont need to provide food, do i? i plan to have it around 4pm. i dont think food is necessary...
we have not planned ariff's cukur jambul. i wanted to have it on new year's eve followed by a barbeque. but that week we'll be paying the boys' daycare registration & january payment. that alone will blow a $1000 hole in our not-so-deep pockets...
asyraf can climb up and down the sofa now. he's the reason we decided its time to put a security gate. amir was very obedient and would stay away from the stairs. he even cycled away from the stairs. asyraf would target the stairs as soon as our bedroom door is opened. he's so not afraid of heights...
ariff's neck and back is very strong. he doesnt like to be cuddled across the chest and prefers to be put over the shoulders. even when put over the shoulders, he would keep his back and neck straight and refuse to lie on the shoulders, unless he's sleeping...
star world is showing the first season of heroes at 4:30pm everyday. daily dosage of peter petrelli is always good. wished they shown it earlier. i could have watched the whole season instead of just 5 episodes...
why is the oggix shoutbox always down...
i was excited to cook as this is my last week at home. i'm not anymore...
pttla huggies abis stok...hehhehe
wah!everything poured down in one entry,semua emotion ada hihi-this is the wonderful thng of having a blogkan,we just curah n curah and at the end rasa lega,i slalu rasa mcmtu-oh cite psl smokingkan,my hubby pun heavy smoker but dia dah quit recently,i happy sgt-dia try quit masa bln puasa aritu and smpi skang dia tak hisap dah,alhamdulillah dia tak susah nak quit even after hmm 17yrs smoking,but dia mmg dah rasa chestpain skit2,tu yg cpt jer nak quit tu-mayb yr hubby boleh try masa bulan puasa thn dpn hihi(i know bukan sng nak quit)-oh auntie mar ank wish happy belated b'day asyraf!sori auntie mar tak dpt join-i read the whole entry yg i tertinggal and the b'day part tu mmg meriah!!sedih tak dpt join..huhu
ina..sungguh suka i jumpa my long last fren nih..and sungguh best baca blog u pun ( kejap2 penat mata buat graf nie - i tilik ler blog u..hihi)..amir dah cam afia, couch potato hahaha..but afia she's hook to tons of her photos on my lap top..duk slide show kat die beratus 2 kali..and her fav. show is balamory and nina and the neurons some shows form CBeeBies..i wish i had our photos masa time kecik2 dulu, with me now, or else i would scan and do an entry on our jejak kasih in my fotopages..i really wish cud wirte the blog, sb i mmg suker tulis diary..haha..emo-mellow skit my hubby kata - yer ahh tak geng ngan trasher cam die- metal jerk die layan ..ha ha..anyway, takder masa for blogs larr..nt i dah abih blajar, perhaps leh start..
Its 4.45am. Ths is da 2nd day Adnan woke up at 4am n make me play wth him.
Hubs also heavy smoker he said he wil stop da day Aidan was born. Yeah rite! Nw he said he needs it 2 destress!
U 2? I also have start planning 4 Adnan's party. Huhu sadkan when da party dah over.
Aidan also a heavy drinker. 1 box wil only last for 4/5 days.
zz - bukan je huggies habis stock. susu pun asyik habis je.
mar - hey you!!! brapa lama i tunggu you balik from the land of the rising sun. how was your trip? meng-shopping or meng-gigit jari je?
zie - i've got an entry all about you planned. nak gambar read my mind!
dot - ariff pun sama. last night at 4:30am woke up and gooed at me. i malas layan, sumbat je susu dalam mulut dia. jahat kan?! hubby you smoke too...he sure dont look like a smoker (do they have a "look" though) ada je excuse dia kan? everytime i cakap that's the reason the boys tak healthy dia cakap its in my genes pulak. ish...
so how's the planning going? i dah decide on a theme and roughly the favours. tapi memang so sad after its over...
I am getting really excited when I read this entry especially the makan makan part. If you need more ideas, I'll be gladly to advice you on the fooood. Hehehehe.
mmg it started with ur genes...
ie dah mmg ada in their system...
but if u dont trigger it, they wont show any symptoms or progress into full blown disease (eh, not lah disease kan...but dunno the word lah...but asthma 2 like penyakit lah kan?)
i hv it in my genes as well but not full blown...
mcm now only if my katil or carpet all fur-full (penuh ngan bulu kucing) or berabuk (pillowcase or bedsheet 2 long in the closet) then i get it...sneezing like crazy, runny nose, wheezing n worst is demam n headache n mata & cheeks bengkak...
otherwise its non-existent...
but if i sit around a bunch of smokers (or 1 pun cukup) or if they smoke outside my room at the office n the smoke all masuk ikut bawah pintu n lingers there coz takde ventilation, then sure sakit mata n wheezing n stuff...
tak trigger, tak kena lah...
but i can count the number of times i get them...
demam pun once or twice a yr je...
dulu when tssc used to smoke, aiya...everynite wheezing, then wake up suddenly coz cant breathe, coughing, bronchitis...
the smoke lekat kat baju lah...n hair...n fingers...n hands...n skin...
am so glad 2 get rid of them...
sure the boys feel that way 2...
tiza...maybe u should start ur own blog. u have ur 12-4 to talk abt other than ur "today i went to work" entry.
yes...i know its already in d genes. that's why i don have carpets or cats in my house. unfortunately i can only get rid of the 2, cant get rid of the smoking. someone dont believe that even if he smokes outside it still comes into the house. what to do...
la...zie..mummy afia nih ur friend ka.....mmmmm
eiseai: yes...i know its already in d genes. unfortunately i cant get rid of the smoking. someone dont believe that even if he smokes outside it still comes into the house. what to do...
tiza: hence my long comment...
not meant 4 ppl who already know about these things...
its 4 those living in denial...
who dont seem 2 understand that smoking not only kills but makes ppl suffer 2...
if u think getting rid of the 2 things makes so much difference 2 the boys, wail till u c the improvement on the boys if all 3 r gone...
SSSSOOOOOO much difference...
just think about when they went 2 tssc n when they stayed at home...
ada difference kan?
if the 3rd 1 pun gone, lg runny nose, no blocked nose, no blogging of ur boys slalu sakit...
katakan taknak...hehehe...
(sure nanti ada a certain anonymous who will leave a comment as well n "surprisingly" disagree with all these)
poor 3a...oh, n 1s...
btw, i prefer 2 just comment than blog...
its much more annoying...hahaha...
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