on saturday, after the trip to subang parade, we forced to boys to take their afternoon nap. asyraf was easy, we just gave him his bottle and left him in his playpen. then hubby gave ariff his bottle and both slept. i was outside with amir...amir didnt want to sleep and i was paying the bills. i managed to sleep only an hour before ariff woke up due to amir's drumming.
we bribed amir with his new ball and slide to get him to nap. i think he managed to sleep less than an hour.
amir & asyraf played in our garden with our neighbour's children while hubby and i had our early dinner. a mere hour-long playing time got them so tired that both fell asleep at 8pm and got up after 7am the next day.
we had a birthday party invitation on sunday. to avoid tantrums, we made the boys take their nap around lunchtime. they got up around 1pm and we changed their clothes, took a shower and solat and left around 2:30pm. we got lost in the housing area and got to azie's house at 4pm. the food was excellent but i couldnt eat much with 3 boys to look after. amir was feeling a bit under the weather and he wanted to sleep on our lap.
when we came back, amir was feeling better. in the car he wouldnt stop playing with the car pencil boxes azie gave as favours. when we got home, our neighbours called us over to join them for a barbeque behind our houses. we are lucky to have very nice neighbours. this is the second time we've had a barbeque at their place. we were even treated to a nice lunch when we visited them for eid. segan lah...we've never invited them over for dinner. abang nasir & kak jan's family also are very fond of our boys, that's a plus point.
amir's temperature went up during the night so he stayed home from school. after a morning of showing his tantrum, he was in a much better mood when he woke up from his three-hour nap.
wow amir ada slide baru... auntie jeles nihhh... bila lah auntie nak dpt free voucher bleh beli slide hehe. tp my house takde yard mcm yours lah sally... huhuhu
eh, u said u bribed amir with his slide 2 sleep masa weekend 2 but y ur camera said 30/11/2007?
isnt that a friday?
tried 2 cheat us ye?
u think we're not smart eh?
u think that'll stop us from being mad coz u didnt invite us skali 2 ur neighbour's bbq ye?
the game is set...
u n the boys vs me n tisu...at jake's...bring it on, babe-eh!
Its 4.30am.
i nd 2 get slide 2. Aidan is so bored at home. Asyraf n Amir realy like da slide huh. Huhu is it addictv? Bhaya jugak nanti if buy 1 tgh malam pun nak naik. Huhu
lia...itu sibab kita musti carik end lot...hehehe. i'm still waiting for that housewarming invite. alaaa...susah susah, just move into any of the houses on our street. boleh mat smart & cik bekeng main slide sama2.
hahahha tiza...i actually wrote "the pix were taken on friday cos we didnt bring the camera down on saturday" but then allignment lari and i sooo lazy to betulkan the allignment. and yes...i have to betulkan before i post. why are you up at 3:16am anyway? oh jgn jeles...bbq sedapppp...
dot...cepat lah get the slide. its nice. even asyraf likes it, sure aidan suka. not really addictive lah, unless you put it inside the house. amir wont naik at night cos he's scared of voldemort. plus they'll tire themselves playing during the day. malam sure they'll sleep through the night :)
aiyoo puan akak salina..don't bribe2 adik amirlah......ha ha ha
thats y...
i thot i wrote that at work...
takkan i was there at 3am kot?
sthing wrong swhere on the way to the roundabout kot...
hahaha...what language...
ooohhhhh...now i remember...
i was in my room lah masa 2...
slept late past few nights...
how, u might ask?
we got wifi now!! hehehe...
jgn jeles...
now u want also kan?
then u dont hv 2 sit at the computer table je whole day...
can even blog with ariff on the bed...
jeles lah tu ;)
btw, tak jeles pun the bbq sedap (altho mmg nampak sedap pun in the pix)...
anyway, u gonna blanje us at jake's pun kan?
we'll tell u when :p
tiza...i concur...
eiseai will belanja us @ jake's
its out god given rite as aunties to be treated wif reverence, respect and admiration...
besides...sapa lagi will buy all the stuff for their kids they wan to buy but don wan to kluarkan $$$ to buy...
pls set date and time...ps/i'm off xmas and also not working weekends anymore...yahoo!
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