hubby and i decided that this will be our last dinner outside. we got home almost 11:30pm, the boys were cranky and come morning, their mood still havent improved. from now on, we will decline all dinner invitations, its just too disruptive.
1. the boys schedule goes haywire. they are usually in bed by 9pm. if we were to go out for dinner, more often than not we only get home by 10pm. plus all the changing to pajamas and susu and wind down sessions, they would probably fall asleep around 11pm. one hour of sleep lost equals screaming and crying and whining the next morning.
2. we would have to leave the dinner early to keep to their schedule. what if food hasnt arrived or we're still eating. it would be rude.
3. the boys can only keep quiet for 30 minutes max. that's why hubby and i eat really fast. at home we eat standing up or while walking. more than 30 minutes they will start throwing things, scream, hitting everywhere.
4. our family are morning people. we get up really early and make our way to the mall even before the mall is opened. because of that, we are early to bed family. no matter how late the boys sleep, they will get up around 7am the next day.
5. we have to listen to comments thrown around about how the boys should be treated, by people who see them at most once in two months, as though they know our children better than us. hubby is better at turning a deaf ear than i am.
maybe when the boys are old enough, we'll join the "going out for dinner" crowd again...
hey ina...
here it is really hard to turn down dinner because it always been in ppl's hse so no big deal, food is already ready when we arrived. But kalu org panggil lunch etc, we all mesti lbt skit sampai sb i prefer bg lunch afia kat rumah, and settle thingy..same kalu i invite org, sure i serabut pikir, nak adjust masa afia makan etc before guests i mmg suka anak i kenyang2 jdnya i mmg selalu pening kalu timetable die haywire..esp. kalu go shopping, i prefer going alone, sb i malas entertain lagi bagus die duk rumah..ha ha ha..
Happy Birthday TSSC!
I love going out for dinner celebration. But susah to eat proper sit down dinner when Adnan wants to dukung 24-7 and Aidan refuse to seat on the baby chair...
I don't like Ed** kat Cur**. I prefer the one in BBintang. Better food.
Nowdays boleh kira dgn jari lah how many days we all keluar malam. If we went out for dinner to celebrate something we'll hv early dinner. Yes...we early morning ppl. My husband 6.30pg dah bangun cuci kereta
hi kak sally.agree la.even i yg anak sorg ni pun kat rumah mkn sambil bgn berdiri menjerit sambil monitor the baby sambil kejap ke sana ke mari...better la mkn kat rumah.wpun berdiri ke apa least org tak pandang2 mcm kite tak pandai jaga anak plak..
happy birthday tssc!
nyampahkan org2 yg suka komen mcm2 as if diaorg yg jaga and besarkan anak kita,i thnk i pun sama mcm yr hubby suka buat pekak,senyum pastu cpt2 tukar topik mls nak lyn-i pulak skang ni nak jln shopping complex lama2 pun dah malas,pening dgn irina yg taknak duduk dlm stroller or kalau duduk pun dia nak stroller tu berjln jer,tak boleh stop mana2,tak boleh tgk brg,tak boleh survey apa2,apa punya perangai tatau laa..sally,how la to train the kid to sleep early?suka tgk anak2 u displin tido awal n on time-irina tido dah la lmbt (around 12.30 to 1 am) pastu bgn pun cpt (8am or sometimes 6 somethng!)i betul2 tak thn dah,tak tau nak buat mcmana,care to share the tips?
i know how i feels when people love to comment on the way we are raising our kids, itu salah, ini salah, itu tak kena, ini tak kena...
i have gone past the phase where we don't attend any functions outside..alhamdulilah the cuties are now better managed when we need to. But that doesn't mean they will behave!!
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