i woke up at the usual weekend time. bathed the boys, dressed them in their baju melayu, made the bread pudding, did the laundry and found a green kebaya to match amir. then hubby came down after 9. he didnt dress in his baju melayu (he said since we werent going visiting) and he decided not to go for prayers. sigh...he said he was going out to see his friends for lunch. i was thanking god. malas lah see him without a baju melayu while everyone else was dressed. uh...do we actually need the excuse of going out to get dressed...apa-apa lah....
breakfast raya morning was nasi minyak, chicken curry, acar timun & nenas, bread pudding & brownies. i loved the food. no, its not great and no, i'm not a good cook but cooking food that i like plus cooking how i eat equals food that is yummy.
after breakfast hubby slept. i took pictures with amir and played with ariff. asyraf, as usual, was asleep. hubby woke up for 5 minutes and left for bangsar to meet his friends. so the boys and i sat in their room watching monsters inc.
maybe this raya is not a big deal for hubby. again, apa-apa lah. we've agreed to disagree on how we celebrate raya so no point in bringing up. hey, the boys and i had fun together so that's a plus point for me.
me also face with boring raya since x balik penang coz my parent kat mekah n this morning i wake up with running nose.......
we are on the same boat larr ina..our raya was on the 19th. Hubby i keje malam raya tu overtime, kul 3 pagi br balik..so imagine lah kan kul bapaer die bgn pagi raya - kat kul 12 kut..no solat raya, no jemputing ppl, or going to ppls hse - mmg close hse habisan..i also cook nasi minyak with daging kurma, ayam masak merah and cara timun..eii pandai u buat brownies..leh post untuk i..
makcik... memang i rindu u pun.. hehehe.. i pun x celebrate raya kat sini.. xde cuti pun.. anyway, selamat hari raya korban to u and family
watie...beraya kat prima damansara lah ye? takpe, at least u ada "project" to look forward to next week...
zie...u tak rindu balik kb ke? kadang2 i rindu gak, nak korban sebelah razali batik tu. pastu ramai2 gi barbeque kat pcb. itu brownie tipu lah. leftovers beli kat secret recipe...saja nak eksyen :)
maya...selamat hari raya to you and hafiz also. hope we can meet up soon. hehe...1 more year. kerja sana ok ke? sedih i baca pasal org pressure u nak balik. best kan be independent over there...
Raya nie kalau dah tua2(tua ke?), memang nothing much to look forward too, unlike the kids. Anyway, the boys are growing up and cherish the moment ya!
raye aunty ami nie lagi la bosan pasal uncle nun jauh kat germany hukhuk.
btw js,i didn't get to eat nasik himpit with sambal mase balik kelate,asyik makan daging aje.
we had our differences how to celebrate aidiladha. we were like pointing at each other who's turn to start first. it should be my turn balik raya witd my parents, hubby main tipu!!! mmg x leh caya kat dia, he said if this time we balik raya, next time he wants to balik raya jugak.
in the end i mengalah, ok fine lets start with my turn... next year klu dia buat merengek nak balik kg dia jugak... mmg i akan cakap "silakan..."
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