until yesterday. i got an email saying someone wanted to add me as a friend. and she wrote "do you remember me?" i was practically screaming...of course i remember you and quickly sent her a message, asking her where is she, what is she up to. later during the day she replied and we continued our conversation on ym.
god...its been ages, 20 years to be exact, since i last saw her. she looks different now but her daughter has her features and looking at her (very the mat salleh looking) daughter reminds me of her when we were younger.
zie...its so good to see you again. hope we dont lose touch again. got a spare room for me when i visit my team at old trafford?
this is is when we were young. i even wrote our names on the back of the pix...

p/s i wonder if she still writes her "e" the way she does...
puan salina,
awak kelihatan sangat cute miut di waktu muda kan? tapi yg boleh cam style amik gambar, mesti nak nampak 32 batang gigi awak tu kan??..hehehe
owh..yellow skirt tu gler old skool...hehehehe..ada simpan lagi tak?
- mulan -
tinggi ye kawan kak sally itew...mengingatkan sy kepada keadaan sy dan best fend sy dl...kami pon begitew. Haha...bak kata mulan, yellow skirt itu sungguh old skool...i've used to have one too..a red color..sgt suka pakai waktu kekecik dulu, rasa sgt feminin...huhuhu..KMJ..KMJ.
zie ni the daughter nama Afia Zia Nuha kan... selalu singgah fotopages dia. Dan admire sgt tgk Afia tu sbb memang giler muka mat saleh.
Kenal juga dgn zie... tp sekadar kenal gitu je.
p/s: cute ar... mommy 3A dedolu...
teringat kisah lama erkk
U r so adorable! Cute masa kecik, dah besar pun lg cute. Bestkan dpt meet up old frens again.
P/s add me la in face book :-¤
That is sooooOOOooo not like you. Hahaha. But the chubby maintaaaain. Ehehehehe.
wahahaha...eh, tolong tukar itu nama jadik pn mitco ye cik mulan. style ambik gambar tu ada mcm style amir tak...hahaha
chempaka...haa tinggi kan? ngapa kawan i tinggi2 semuanya. ke i yang ketot. ehh...mulan sila jawab (ni sorang lagi tinggi ni)
cuji...tu lah. i masuk fp kengkawan dia, ada link ke fp afia. i pun ada nampak cuji & diana & nina tinggal message kat fp afia. terkejut jugak. kengkawan pcm i dah lama dok masuk fp dia, kawan sekolah dia jugak tak pernah masuk.
hahaha dot...dulu kurus skit. sekarang gemuk banyak. will add you to my facebook.
faith...hahahah...what, dont i look cute? sekarang look garang kan? what to do...the people in tmo...
cutenya u masa zaman gadis sunti!skang dah jadi mak org pun cute gak!;)
omigod...u so short...hahaha...
i 4got how short u were...
isk..segan btol tgk gambar zaman kekanak kak sally..SEBAB..
SGT COMEL OK..ekeekke:P
tiza...she's still short
acooooooo....sapa budak gonjeng tinggi tuh...akakakakakaka, tidak ku snagka ruper ku begitu dedulu kala..akakaka.ingat ina tak kiter main character jem- cartoon tuh..u..apa ek? kimberly adik jericca kan? i jericca - ika-jem, ida-asha, arlis - sapa ek lupa..ha haha..
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