
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Junior Bloggers

how kiasu a mummy am i? i started a blog for my boys...each! 3 blogs for 3 boys.

the blogs are mostly of photos and updates. i could have started a fotopages account as they will mostly consist photos but me being must all match. so boys' blogs...





Anonymous said...

amboi..rajin tul buat 3 blog.....saya nih yg fotopages 1 tu pun x berupdate......tabik spring!!!!

Anonymous said...

well, i wont comment anything...
will leave that 2 mock...hehehe...

Anonymous said...

oit, layout lama lagi jelita la. hehehe. ini mcm layout yg sgt default la utk blogspot. apa kata tukar kpd yg lain yg lebeh jelita. hehehe.

u kan ada byk masa. ehehehe.

Anonymous said...

u finally did it!
u finally changed ur layout!

eiseais said...

watie - skarang je rajin nak bukak 3 new blogs. bila start kerja nanti, tak terupdate jugak.

faith - u've given me the push to change my outlook.

tiza - nice or not. i was enjoying a bar of chocolate when i was surfing for new layout. i sooo suka this one. the boys punya simple...nanti later2 tukar.

Liza said...

Wah!!!really and so much when can I book your time to educate me on how to make changes in my blog tooo....

Anonymous said...

i am so so speechless..u got to do 3 bloggers?? acoooooooo..jeles-dengki-khianat sumer ada kat u..hihihi..i use to write diary tau ina when i was in my teen years sampai kat uni, but one day, the intuition just blew-dont know where..i envy ppl who write blogs, best rasa got to say sumthingkan..tapi i really really got no time to do it..sungguh fine day maybe, i'll meet with that lost inuition the way, to be honest, i suker look layout dulu gaks..but hey, it actually takes time with ppl to adapt with new thingy..hihhi..(it always work that way ;))

Anonymous said...

now now now, this is much much better and it is so lively like you. hehehe. way to go girl. hehe.


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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