on merdeka eve we went to 1utama. i wanted to have a big dinner (since my gynae said i havent been putting on enough weight - i've been losing actually, while the baby's gain more) and i wanted to go for the jusco midnight sale. the highway to damansara was a bit packed, we got to 1utama around 830pm. by the time we finished dinner it was almost 10pm. we walked for a bit towards the old wing, stopped by at fos. i got new pants for the boys, a couple of tops for amir and 2 onesies for asyraf. seriously...that shop is so cheap! hubby said he couldnt keep his eyes open, so we abandoned our plans for the jusco sale and went home.
i managed to catch a bit of the merdeka celebration before dozing off. much as i would like to watch the 50th anniversary celebration, i was just too tired. its a big deal and all but i just didnt understand why they had to have it at dataran merdeka, right smack in town and close off a lot of the major roads for over a week. i'm sure you dont need to have the celebration there to cultivate the spirit. wouldnt putrajaya be a better venue, at least it wouldnt disturb everyone else whose lives still goes on and would still need to go to work on time. anyway...
friday morning, we went to jusco. we went to dome for breakfast but they were not opened yet. they were nice enough to take our orders first though. while walking towards jusco, asyraf threw up. there goes his t-shirt and pants. we went to jusco and got some new clothes for the boys. i love their $10 t-shirt and short sets. not the best of quality but its good enough for the boys to wear at the daycare. i wouldnt scream as much if they spilled food and drinks. then off to dome for our breakfast and then to popular to find albums and cds. i wanted to go down to the home centre to get hangers and laundry basket for the boys' room but asyraf threw up yet again, so we decided to go home, clean him up and let him sleep.
hubby wanted to take amir for friday prayers but amir fell asleep in the car. while hubby was away, i managed to put all the pictures from our perth trip into the albums, something i've been putting off to do for weeks now. since it was a hot day (really hot day) i was able to do 3 loads of laundry. i was too tired and could only cook ayam goreng kicap and sup telur for dinner. my ever-supportive hubby just said...we dont need to have a table-ful of lauks to have a great dinner. heh...maybe i'll reward that statement with a mexican baked eggs or baked pasta one of these days.
on saturday we planned to go to giant, shah alam early in the morning. i preferred the 1utama giant instead but hubby didnt want to drive so far. i took a bit of time doing a bucketful of laundry, courtesy of asyraf's 3 throwing up sessions the night before. seeing me cleaning got hubby into the cleaning mood as well, i guess. he brought up the vacuum cleaner and a couple of towels and went about vacuuming our room and the computer room upstairs. i helped wipe the futniture in between bathing both boys, giving asyraf 2 bottles of milk and then cleaning up the 2 bottles he threw up and folding and separating the boys clothes.
after cleaning, hubby decided to take asyraf to the nearby clinic. we had breakfast first and went to see the doctor after that. asyraf had a stomach bug, probably due to the new nestum flavour i bought for him. why didnt i remember that his pead warned me to stay away from honey. so now we have to keep the 2 large tins of nestum i bought (1 for the house, 1 for the daycare) and get another flavour. heiii...asyraf ni, sensitive betul...
coming home, we gave asyraf the medicine and hubby brought up the tv from the kitchen to put in the boys' room. he said his football has been neglected since a certain someone is forever watching mickey mouse or elmo or bear or happy feet or donald duck or thomas the tank engine. so now, with the tv in his room, maybe amir will leave hubby to watch his footie in peace. since hubby looked a bit "in the mood" i hinted that the glow in the dark stars and seashells i bought would look nice at night. he got the hint and spent the rest of the hour putting them up all over the boys' room.
our plans to go to giant were pushed back to dinnertime. we managed to grab hangers for us and the boys (since baju pun bertambah after the pre, post and during perth trip), a portable dvd player for the boys' room and some groceries. hubby and i planned to have daging goreng kunyit and sup telur (again) for dinner but while dicsussing, we realised that gas habis, so we bought kfc for dinner instead. daging goreng kunyit will be our menu for lunch on sunday.
hubby also spoke to the guy who would be putting new grass to replace our "hutan belantara". after convincing him that i dont see a need for a carpet grass and just want a normal cow grass lawn, he said he can start as soon as possible. that's one of projects almost settled. we're still waiting for the wardrobe to be installed. i have to fax over the floor plan monday morning, they will then come to measure and need 5 days to put the things together before coming over to install - i'm hoping it will be done before the fasting month. once the wardrobe is installed, i can reorganise amir & asyraf's room and maybe start training them to sleep there.
daddy's little helper injured on tour of duty
portable dvd player? i thot u buying mine?
sally, i've been meaning to decorate iman's room.. buying a new set of curtains..i saw one with cars all over it..it looked nice but it cost a bomb.. we bought a table+chairs,etc from ikea..plus a tent..to make it livable but in the end..he camps out under our dining table..taking a nap while at it..so much for the decorating instinct...hrrmpphhhss
btw, i was at the OU on sat..we shud've met there la..now why didnt think of calling you??
Oh what a weekend! And we all celebrated 50th merdeka kat land downunder and miss the ceremonial parade, boleh tak?
Anyway, you ni supermom betullah. Segala2nya u boleh buat, and u r heavily preggy. By the way, I dah draft my entry tapi belum upload gambar lagi..maybe by trow I can post the entry..
mommy!where do u get all those energy laa,jealous i ni..-frankly,u idola i everytime i penat kemas rumah..i would say to myself 'u even pregnant pun boleh handle 2 boys and kemas rumah,apa sgt la i ni' hah serious i ckp mcmtu-so mommy,keep it up!
p/s: i pun suka sup telur but my version lain skit,telur tu tak hancur,dia seketul2 dlm sup hihi
tiza...urs a bit too ex. we bought a really cheap one, since its only for their room.
nad...memang pun, they prefer to use "everyday" stuff. i also wanted to get all those things in the ikea catalogue. in the end, i thought...guna ke tak guna.
rafiqah...welcome home!! uwaaa...jealous! quickly...i wanna see the pix. supermummy?? u guys seriously wouldnt say that when u actually see my house. its a mess!! plus if you know how i handle my boys (and the feeling i have at times of trouble) you wouldnt call me a mummy at all :)
mommamia...hehehe...its not that hard once u start. tapi when u stop memang regret doing all those things. penat!! my telur pun actually started out in one piece, then i sibuk kacau2 terus hancur...
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