1. laundry
hubby and i managed to sort out our dirty, washed and new clothes in under an hour. we then separated into asyraf's, amir's and our baskets. i thought the boys clothes would take a few loads, but they only needed 1 load each. ours was the one that took more washing. i had forgotten that their clothes are smaller (even though more, with the new clothes we bought) and they wear disposable nappies (duh...)
thank god it was sunny the whole weekend. i managed to washed all 4 loads over the weekend. good thing, too, that i made sure i didnt leave any dirty clothes before we left.
2. rashes
my skin-sensitive boys brought home with them rashes due to the water and the weather. asyraf's rashes were more big and obvious (they were red, with almost blackish spots in the middle) while amir's were more spread out (they were under his chin, his underarms, behind his ears). we went to see their ever-reliable pediatrician on monday and he gave us some lotions.
3. empty fridge and cabinets
we came back to a house with empty fridge and kitchen cabinets. there was absolutely nothing to eat or drink. we survived on plain water and roti canai before getting the energy to visit the nearby supermarket.
4. ants
while we were away, the ants practically bermaharajalela-ed in our house. the moment i put asyraf's bottles on the table, it became ants-infested within 40 seconds. i think i used up the whole can of shieldtox in just 1 day.
5. no bills
before we left, hubby and i put aside some money to be changed to aussie dollars. we also found some leftover from our gold coast trip. we made a list of possible spendings and things to buy so that we dont go over budget and would not have to resort to using our credit cards. alhamdulillah, tssc also gave us some money during our time there and paid for all entrance fees, food and transportation. it turns out, we actually didnt use the money we changed. even the boys shopping could be covered by the money tssc gave.
6. hyper baby #3
baby no 3 was very quiet during the trip, particularly during the first few days. i was pretty worried and would love to do an ultrasound over there. but then, the same thing happened to asyraf last year when we went to gold coast. now that we're back and rested, baby no 3 seems to double his movements to make up for lost time. not only are his movements more, they are also stronger now. i could swear i feel some contractions since we got home...
7. amir's "vacation mark"
as azie called it has gone. now all's left is a small 'bekas luka'. amir's pead gave us antibacterial cream to put on it.
hi,bloghop from rafiqah's-my daughter has sensitive skin like yr boys too,habis byk scar kt kaki n tgn even kena gigit nyamuk skit,how u treat the scars?yr boys skin look gebu n reading yr previous post bout them having eczema,their skin look ok,not like my daughter,is it bcoz of the lotion u get from paed?sory i ask a lot, welcome back home!
I hate doing laundry... heheh
but both u and ur hubby did a good job.
Kesian the boys. Consider it as a love bite from there...
Early contraction? Hmm you better take care of yourself... But to tell you the truth this baby is so hyper.. maybe our son soon to be born nie football player tak?
mommamia...thanks for dropping by. alhamdulillah my boys punya skin sensitivity isnt that bad, even their eczema is manageable. with help of the doctor's cream and lotion and antibacterial cream, both are ok. now pun dah hilang bits of the scar and we've only used them 3 days (this round...)
dot...i love laundry. my sister say i am too obsessed with my laundry. yeah, early contraction. when i came back from gold coast last year pun the same thing happened that i got a week's long leave. your baby hyper ye this time around? mine's been very quiet, alhamdulillah. cannot handle another hyper one :)
Oohhh your children have those spots just like my children :)
Best la baca your holiday entry...we all this year takde budget...all go to the new hse *sigh
yup...laundry laundry laundry...
thats all i every hear...
its like mkn...kalau tak buat, tak senang dodok...hahaha...
eh, amir's pix showing his legs tu mcm budak debab je...hahaha...
Wow...u've been to perth and back and i only knew about it today. Wonder where have I been. How did you manage 2 boys over long flight, huh. I am always tempted to drug mine. One talk non-stop, another kept on fidgeting. Really get on my nerve.
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