temperature - 12c - 19c
itinerary - cycling around the hotel, pack, check out, flight home
we initially wanted to bring the boys for a stroll around the hotel. the weather was just nice for that. but the night before tssc gave us (hubby & me) more cash, so we changed our plans. we went off to belmont forum shopping centre, about 15 minutes drive from the hotel. hubby wanted to get something for himself and i wanted some new tops. tiza went off to town and sue planned to sleep the morning away.
the shopping mall was big. it was smack in the middle of the housing area. surprisingly its only 1 floor and housed woolworths, kmart, big w, a food court and lots of shops. it had mcdonals, kfc, pizza hut, nando, blockbuster video around the outside of the parking area. we bought loads of clothes (again for the boys) at kmart. they were aud5.99 each, and had further 20% discount. i think i bought 2 tops and 2 pants each. amir also wanted a bob the builder sandals. hubby bought 2 ties at just aud20 in one of the shops while we were leaving the centre.
when we reached the hotel, we went down to the pool to take some photos.
i went up earlier with asyraf to pack our remaining (and newly purchased) clothes. after zohor, we went down the the hotel's chinese restaurant. had a great lunch of rice, fried fish, prawns, scallops and veggies.
we checked out at 2pm and got to the airport by 230pm. as usual, the australian immigration gave us some problems. i dont understand why they had to insist taking asyraf out of his stroller to see his face when he was sleeping and then taking him out again to push the stroller through the metal detector. he was sleeping, for crying out loud, cant they compromise a bit? the journey home was uneventful. i was up front with asyraf, who refused to sleep in the bassinet and wanted to sleep on my shoulders (my shoulders slept before him).
finally got home at midnight. prepared the boys for bed and sorted the clothes to be washed and kept.
y u didnt tell me u were taking pix masa mkn kat chinese restaurant 2?
i look so angry...but still cute...hahahaha...
wah .. khusyuk diana tgk vacation kak js and happy family nie .. asyraf good boynyer ..byk tido .. ghmbr sumer cantik2 .. borong n shopping sakan nmpk??? sure penat pas blk bercutie nie ... smpt lag hupdate blog dari Perth tue ..kagumssss!!!!
bestnyeerrr your trip...
i'm keeping my fingers crossed for HK trip end of the year..
will see how it goes..
you looked like you had soo much fun despite running in the rain hell..
btw, felt sorry for amir..must have been quite a blow for his nose to swell like that..is it ok now?
wah.. so jealous tgk kak sally ni..
shopping n holiday plus with the other one inside... looks very energetic..
poor amir.. dah dapat mark kat hidung tue..
tiza...there must be a pix that shows the "real you" right...hahahhaha...
diana...suka ke gambar2 tu? the weather helps. sunshine tu lagi buat gambar lagi lawa :)
nad - u going to hk? bestnya. i dok lobby amir's tok to go there, more for disneyland tapi he wont go :( amir's nose is ok. had the mark for a few days, now the darah kering has gone off and his pead gave us antibacterial cream.
liza - sorry tak dpt pegi bday haqeem. hope he had a nice time :)
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