its been like that since he was born and i just pray it will end soon. i cant imagine waking up to tend to him every hour (like we're doing now) when baby no 3 is born. i think we'll go bezerk!!
this time around it started with fever. he has slightly high temperature for a couple of days. we gave the daycare instructions to give him paracetamol and not stop even though he cools down. it worked, within 2 days, he was no longer hot. then it came...the dreaded flu. flu comes hand-in-hand with phlegm, which brings cough, which welcomes throwing up sessions, be it during the day or at night. and of course, bucketsful of clothes, towels and bedsheets to wash. and yes...public enemy no 1...ants!
we took asyraf to the nearby clinic on saturday. he also had an eye infection. we think its due to him throwing up when he was sleeping the night before and it went all over his face. the infection may be contagious the doctor said and it moved from his left to right eye the next day. thank god it wasnt bad and its almost completely gone with the eye drop.
unfortunately after 3 days he was still throwing up and waking up every hour. so i took the day off to bring asyraf to his regular pediatrician. off went whatever medication the clinic doctor prescribed and on came new ones from dr azizi. many doctors, so many ubats. i dont care what medicine they gave as long as it makes the boy drowsy!
today he seems a wee bit better. i could have a nice lunch while he slept, i even managed to do some grocery shopping without interuptions. now he's having a short nap and i hope he'll be better in a day or two.
and 7 months & many, many mileages on...i'm getting swollen ankles and the occasional contraction attack (the worst was last night, i thought i would faint from the pain...)
Dem feet UGG-lee
ciannye auntie kt asyraf..get well soon dear..pray that he will get better especially when the 3rd baby come out..
ahahah js...
I thought it was Shrek's feet hahahahah....
kesiannya Asyraf.. Aidan pun kena high fever on saturday. Now still recovering... i pulak asyik dok nangis kesian tgk dia... When i looked at Asyraf's pic..sayu rasa... hope he will get better soon
sorry ye..nyibuk ni hehehe
i think the flu he got from other kids @the daycare. try ambil maid :-)
heh...thanks anonymous, but maid is not the answer to the all the world's problem. i think there's nothing a maid can do that the parents cant. plus who's to say the maid will stop the flu or fever from recurring. and also what will happen if the maid runs away or do some sort of problems, a simple flu and fever is a small matter compared to my children being kidnapped or left alone at home...
also...the flu he got wasnt from the kids at the daycare, its from his mummy.
Haiyo js, your feet makes my feet looks like kaki gajah..even yours looks so much better.
Siannye mamat sorg tuh, hopefully he'll get over it soon, before the 3rd one shows up. Sayu hati tgk die baring..mcm penat je..
poor lil asyraf..
hope he;ll recover v soon
and to u js,
jagalah kesihatan anda supaya tidak menjangkiti anak2 anda.. hehe
eh, ur feet looks like mine...n i'm not even pregnant...hahaha...
apparently anonymous doesnt know u or hv been reading ur blog...
maid? nasib baik ur comments can only be read n not listened to...kalau tak, sure can hear u scream from far away...hahaha...
asyraf tidur mcm amir je bile demam...
i hv a pix of amir sleeping just like that upstairs kat bilik smayang kat work masa dia demam dulu...
tiza...i got that pix.
hahhaha, scream?? i was just what the F***!!
terkujat tgk kaki puan akak salina.......
tapi cam sama le..ha ha ha......lebih korang ila je dulu
pehh.. kena "what the f**k" sebijik kat i. berdosa betul sebut pasal maid kat u yek. i suggest aje.. based on my experience. anak2 i bukan saje non-stop demam, batuk, selsema, eczema tapi kena kutu lagi. alhamdulillah skrg dah tak kena dah sbb duduk rumah. satu petua, kalau anak2 flu, suruh pengasuh jgn basah kepala bila mandi. kalau mandi dgn air suam lagi bagus. good luck!
thanks anonymous (seriously donno why people bother giving advise yet leave it as "from anonymous").
as for mandi with air sejuk or basah rambut, the daycare dont do that, its the mummy who does that.
so to all...please do not mention the M word!!
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