hubby and i managed to get just over 2 hours sleep, before asyraf woke up at 7am crying for milk and then throwing up the milk we gave.
my laundry loads just increased by 2 loads. i'm tired and i'm sleepy.
we're taking them to dsh later on today. i'll beg for their pead to admit them, i dont think i can face another night like last night.
budak-budak sakit...
doing blood test & putting in iv drips...
kesian nya babies mummy...
after the drip and a long nap...
the next day, post a 1000ml of water inserted...
finally going home...
did we make the right decision to go home? they each threw up one time when we got home...
la.. diarrhoea rupenye.. siannye dioang..
iLa tak suka tgk baby n toddlers kena cucuk sana cucuk sini...kesian..macam hari tu...
Abah nasihat pegi HKL..pegi sana...pastu masa amik darah....ada le satu budak ni melalak2...pastu tiga org nurse..dok pegang dia kuat2..
tak boleh ke pujuk dulu
bg main2 dulu ke
bg gula2 ke....pujuk baik2..dia kan kecik lagik
menangis iLa tau....
merah tangan budak tu kena pegang..for sure nurses tu pegang kuat...
tak der manners.
kalau iLa parents budak tu...
iLa ketok je nurses tu..
isk ter EMO plak
Kesiannya! I was there yesterday morning at DSH, visiting my fren's son who got admitted due to throat infection. Then met up with Emly -pink rabbit. Her daughter was not well...
I think its musim. hope the boys are feeling better..get well soon! and please take care of your self. ur are almost due soon kan...
hope the boys will get well soon,sian the boys,n sian kt mummy n daddy jugak- mmg musim sakit la skang, irina pun lelah, last week pegi paed,now ni i pulak flu n batuk-hope musim sakit ni cpt abis..u take care
sedih tgk asyraf n amir kena msk drip + admited .. hopefully dorg dah recover ..cepat sembuh ok boys ..windu tgk their smiles back ....
kak js..
i on mc yesterday.. tapi masa kat clinic.. mmg nurse tu ada ckp.. banyak babies dtg utk demam.. tapi yg paling banyak diarrhoea.. dia ada mention.. diarrhoea ni kena jaga².. musim ke??
ciannye x tdo mlm..letih giler tu..hope lepas ni sihat2 lah mamat 2 org ni..
eehh..kak gamba wardrobe?:D
ciannye ur boys..
hopefully ok lah nnt,
dah dpt bby baru,
moga derang sihat je slalu.
me pulak sibuk papa dia warded =(
ala...hero 2 orang kena admitted rupanya..cian kat diorang...
kesian jugak kat both of you...of course kurang tido sbb kena take care of the children kan..
Eh..bestnya..dalam ward ada playground pulak.. happy nampak dorang main kat situ...
taklah boring sangat kan....
So pity tgk the boys warded but what to do....hope amir n asyraf dah recover..
amir & asyraf,
auntie pray for ur healty.
ish..siannye amir n asyraf..hope get well soon.. auntie doakan yek..
js, zam pon susah hati la..since last week arif demam (even mild je) tak kebah2..then skang kena plak flu & batuk2..kesian sampai dia nangis2 tak bleh bernafas...
i think nak bawak dia gi DSH la..
you bleh recommend tak specialist utk babies nih? ada gak opismate antar ke sana..cepat anak dia recover
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