temperature - 10c - 17c
itinerary - flight to perth, check in to burswood intercontinental hotel, rest
travelling on a morning flight has its ups and downs. one good side is we get to reach the destination early, check in and unpack at a reasonable hour and then rest for the week ahead. the bad side is that we have to get up before the crack of dawn.
that's what we did. hubby and i got up before subuh, checked the whole house, switched off the lights and gas, ensured all windows and doors are locked, and then wake up and prepared the boys for the trip ahead. luckily they were not cranky. we got to the airport fairly early. tccs, tiza and tisu just left and we had to wait for them. we had a light breakfast at the terminal, while waiting for the departure call. good thing we were seated together, dont think i could have survived taking care of asyraf all by myself.
we got in to perth international airport at 330pm. the queue at the immigration was long, but there wasnt any problems. we finally got into the hotel at 5pm - in time for asar. the people warned us that the weather may not be good the whole week. its ok, we'll make the best out of it. we got connecting rooms with tiza and tisu, which excites amir. the boys went about exploring the room. after unpacking we called tssc about dinner. he made plans with his friends, so we had dinner in the room. food wasnt good but we were hungry.
weih!!! pantas sungguh ko ni!!!
sally, i envy you you know. i cud never look as sexy as you ms tgh peknen...
and amir checking the bathtub... soo cute
im sure u had a great vac!
Nina, Wow! you are back already..
I kena salute you laa.. being pregnant, go holidays with two todds... you have to tell me the secret!How do you managed????
My God! You're back. So fast aa? And look at the wonderful holiday you've got...Hey, u look radiant despite being heavily preggy! Expect an email from me. I nak mintak tips..:)
mock - hahaha memang pantas burn gambar. at least takde lah i kasik day to day commentary macam ada org tu from india kan???
lia - its the baju lah dear. u know what they say "the clothes make the man" :)
aleeya - memang best sangat2 pun. still cant face going back to work.
dot - yup i'm :( tak puassss. my secret?? hehehe...go with lots of people who can take one of the 2 todds
rafiqah - so fast kan? so tak puas. i look radiant? more like look penat. hubby says i look like incredible hulk...urgh!
takleh jadi ni you!! nanti you can expect something fast from kiwiland as well!!
2 more wks!! yipppeeeee!!
ok da slamat sampai.:) cantik perth ni..sesuai utk family vacation n sightseeing
cian la amir ada vacation mark...:)
ha'ah...i was about to ask the vacation mark at amir's nose? What happened? Ke u ada bagitau in your entry tapi I ter'overlook'.
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