mock wonders where i get my inspiration to write. amir was extra active today. i donno what he ate. maybe its the packets of gardenia cream rolls that he's addicted to. he would not stop walking. even i had to take time out for 30 minutes (i wanted a longer nap but anaconda was screaming in his cot).
hubby put him on the chair to stop him from walking around. he got a bit scared since the chair is pretty high for him. i get tired just looking at him toddling about, i wonder how its going to be once he starts running.
Where do you have your lunch usually? Jomla...lets lunch together-gether. Or you so busy?
sometimes i tak kluar. malas nak go up and down d lift. when do u wanna have lunch, let me know lah. 2moro i meet zets
Wah amir... bestnya dia :)
Wait till he could climb the chair on his own, eiseai :) Or give you a scare by climbing up the dinner table... he he
Hey you, got your link from hotmama's blog. Your name (Eiseai) is familiar...Rasa i pernah drop by dulu kot, or do i meet u somewhere else virtually?
anyway, it's hard to juggle between active toddler and another in a tummy. Rasa penat betul!!
rafiqaheliza, maybe u nampak my name at hotmama's blog kot. at the comments section. penat tul juggling the 2, plus work and hubby.
good luck to you ... more climbing to come. we decided to get the ever heavy marble table set to reduce the risk of the boys falling down w/ the chairs . so far it works
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