anyway, i got a medical leave today. the doctor was really nice, he was talking about the morning sickness and craving that people have during pregnancy. then he started asking me what i craved, i joked that i didnt crave anything - my husband did. then he started telling me about how he craved ikan air sungai for 4 months when his wife was pregnant and how he would throw up while his wife was feeling fine. he went on to say that he was on a lot of medical leave, and his wife would be working. then he said that it was all worth it because his son is extremely close to him, and he concluded that maybe the closeness came from the closeness he had with his wife by sharing her "morning sickness". i thought that was really sweet.
hubby was on medical leave too. he had slight food poisoning from eating something at work. amir was also feeling under the weather, he had a temperature. it was nice to be home with the boys. we went to taman tun, as that's the only clinic i know that's under my company's panel clinic list. we finished early so hubby said lets jalan-jalan. we went to 1 utama for a while until amir looked a bit lembik. he slept as we got in the car. when we got home the three of us slept - more like the 2 of us, amir wouldnt sleep (tak sedap badan probably).
the day passed by really slow, we just sat around watching tv, playing computer and went off to mcd for a late lunch (went after 4pm!!). amir finally slept on the way to mcd so we decided to just eat in the car so that he can continue sleeping. by that time his temperature had gone down. we stopped by giant for a while, just enough time for me to grab minced meat and cheese. i made baked pasta for dinner (alamak...didnt take a picture pulak). i had a plate for dinner, hubby tak makan since he's still full, and the rest i packed in tupperwares to bring to work tomorrow.
my dear hubby, all of the sudden, from out of nowhere, is hooked on mind games. not the sir alex's "mind games" but computer games. for the past 4-5 days, he's been playing minesweeper non-stop (and hogging the computer at home!). then today he started playing sudoku. donno what came over him. he usually doesnt like these kinds of games because he wont be able to concentrate and finish them (ada je benda distract him). but today, since 7.30pm, he was playing with the sudoku puzzle from the star. at 10.30pm, this was what the puzzle looked like...

i'm really proud of him. its nice to see him finish what he started, especially games like this (which, like i said, he's not really into). this is more of my kind of game, that's why i'm so proud of him. even i am too scared to do the puzzle (remember mock??)
MC season ke ? I tell you I work about 14 mths in this new job, sekarang je dah MC straight 12 days ... hahaha .. good for my employment record :) eh cewah sempat round 1U lagi.
Are u all feeling better?
I need to ask you something, if let say you have sotmach pain, or fever do you go to a normal clinic or to Dr.M? I'm having stomach cramps now.. i don't know whether i shld go see DrM or to any gp.
hot mama, usually kalau my appt is not near yet, i pegi normal clinic je. of course have to inform them that i'm pregnant and all. if the doctor says its nothing to worry about, i wont do anything. but once the doctor asked me to see dr M immediately cos she said my blood pressure was high. so i buat appt with dr M. i also bring any ubat yg pelik2 that have been given to me when i see dr M (something other than panadol etc lah). just in case...
maybe u're experiencing braxton hicks. i tak pernah rasa, so i cant explain the feeling.
get well soon, dear
its ikan sungai la u i-et...not ikan air sungai
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