saturday started really late, by our normal standard. we woke up past 8am (missed subuh, unfortunately). our little alarm clock was sleeping soundly between us, he missed his save ums. i suggested to hubby to try out a place in kota damansara. after her endless plugging, i thought we'd give hot mama's brother's place a try. i was craving for nasi dagang. unfortunately, they didnt have nasi dagang so i had to settle for nasi lemak. i was salivating at the lauk pauk (daging goreng, ayam goreng, sambal tumis udang) but since they didnt go with nasi lemak, i had to give them a miss (the udang did but i saw it after they put chicken on my nasi lemak). we took our time with breakfast as the place a very quiet. amir was happily chasing the cat and once he got bored, was busy playing with the menu (hot mama, if you see a menu kena gigit, amir punya kerja lah tu). then my aunt from taman tun sent me an sms asking us over for lunch. we were nearby so, ok food :-)
she made my favourite, sup tulang. after lunch i lepaked on the bed with amir and my 7-year old cousin, watching barney, emperor's new groove and the alphabet cd. hubby went off to play snooker nearby. lepak punya lepak, we didnt realise it was almost maghrib. stayed there for dinner and finally made our way home around 9pm. the day passed by just like that.
today's weather is great. sejuk and windy and cloudy. hubby fought his nasi berlauk calling and we had roti telur at the nearby mamak. then we went off to giant to get some groceries. i wanted to get some stuff for my shephard's pie. we were in and out from there very quickly. as we were parking we saw a lady with some of the giant security officers, i think she lost her car, so we did not shop in comfort. sorry nae...i really didnt see you!!
got home and reminded hubby that he needed to mend his pants. i do not and will never sew, so all mending is done by my ever-reliable hubby. he doesnt mind, so yeay...

p/s that mushy blog up yet??
he does mind, unfortunately he had no choice. for that he's giving u 8 of 10 ;-).
8???? only 8???? fine...keys please
Hey you, if i know u r gonna be there, i would have invited you to my house for nasi dagang feast on Saturday... You craving ehh...
Not to worry nanti i buat lagi i'll definately will invite you..
btw just came back from DrM's clinic.. Huwaaa!!!! This time she didn't give me a photo scan of my baby.. Hampeh!!!!!!!
eh...ngapa takde scan photo? u mintak tak? kalau my hubby dia masuk balik mintak. he said, dah org bayar mahal2...hehehehe
This is the 2nd time dia lupa bagi scan photo. I malehlaa tadi, we waited for more than 2 hours..ramai org jump que, yelaa special VIP treatment katakan...
ada org jump queue?? bengang gila i dengar. mine is on saturday. sure ramai org, have to be prepared for ppl yg jump queue ni.
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