the long-awaited weekend is finally here. hubby & i didnt make any major plans. friday morning, we got up and went for breakfast in taman tun. saw che nah's truck. yesss...i can finally have my nasi dagang. i was a glutton...i bought 2 for me alone!! there wasnt any place to eat so we went to ismail to eat it, hubby wanted roti canai. after breakfast, we went for a drive. amir slept as soon as the car started moving and we didnt want to wake him up. met an ex-colleague at pusat bandar damansara. what else...we talked about football (he's a big united supporter). he told me i missed
the sex god's testimonial on telly. alamak...i took wednesday off, i should have watched it. never mind...i'll get the dvd.
then we drove wasnt even 11.30am. we really needed to go somewhere. when we got home, we called the maintenance guy to repair our broken window but he could only come after friday prayers. hubby slept while i played with amir. after prayers the guy came. he left a little after 3. we contemplated on where to go. alaaaa...lets just go to eastin. eastin is one of our favourite hotels. the room & toilet is very clean and comfy, the breakfast buffet is great and the price is reasonable. so off we went...
amir went exploring as soon as we got into the room...
tired but he was on a mission...
sampai dalam toilet nak explore...
it was raining, we swam for only 15 minutes. he was really cold, so i gave him a warm bath as soon as we got up...
he fell asleep before 7pm. ahh...hubby and i can eat in peace.
since we were already there, hubby said 'jom...makan best sikit malam ni...". i ordered the chickend set. ok lah. tasted like chicken chop.
hubby had salmon set. he was a bit cheesed off because it was wayyy smaller than how it was pictured on the menu. it was still filling, but they should have shown the real picture. both sets came with salad or soup. i ordered mushroom soup and hubby ordered onion soup. the mushroom soup was to die for. they also came with a dessert. it was coffee cake of some kind. sedapppp. even hubby like it.
after we had dinner, amir woke up & wouldnt go back to sleep. it was after 11pm. we switched off all the lights, hoping he'd sleep but he wouldnt. i put him on my lap and played with his hair. barulah he started to sleep again.
What happened to your Kuantan trip?
We cancelled our plan to Cherating due to my unforeseen contractions! Hhaha
Anyway i agree 101% with your hubby that the salmon is way way too small. False advertisement!
kuantan trip cancelled cos takut lambat sampai. the guy yg fix our window balik after 3pm.
tu lah...the salmon was small but it was so nice. they served with butter sauce. sedappppp. was filling but they shouldnt have shown the "full" salmon on the advert!
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