i love that quote. how true it is, especially to a toddler who is coming into his 2nd year. this is the time he learns - learn how to walk, run, climb, hide, make friends, talk. i'm always a step behind amir. when did he learn to do that, when did he learn to do this, eh...i never noticed he could do this. he never ceases to amaze me. i feel i'm always pushing myself to keep up with him, not the other way round.
he's been eating a lot lately. here i was...worried that if we leave him with bibik, he'd miss us so much he wont eat. quite the opposite. according to bibik, he's eating 2 bowls of rice now. how come he would never touch rice when he's with us. he's forever munching...chipsmore, milo cereal, famous amos, he's even eating goreng ubi. he's drinking a lot of plain water too. with us it was just...milk. that's it.

one minute macam gangster, next minute ayu pulak...
he's learn to climb over the bicycle seat and pushing it backwards. weird thing is, he cant push it forward. why? i have no idea. all i know is he would look behind him and steer the bicycle backwards.
he's immitating animal sounds. he loves cats and dogs. his voice would go extra high when he sees a cat and his lips would pout and he'd make 'ooff...oooff...' sounds when he hears dog barking.
he loves sitting at his table, playing with his blocks.

he has this habit of poking everything he sees, especially buttons. remote control buttons, switch buttons, clothes buttons...anything. he'd point his index finger and just...poke...poke...poke.
he's a total tv addict (takes after his mummy). he wont go to sleep without the tv on. if he's falling asleep and the credits of a show comes on (usually bear in the big blue house or adventures of little brown bear) he'd wake up and start waving to them. i think he thinks they're his friends. sometimes when he's sleeping, he can get up and growl if i switch off the telly. he loves football, he would cheer when goals are scored. he loves to watch oprah especially when her audience claps.

my son...my little terror. he's such a cheekee monkey. in 6 months time, he'll be a big brother. i cant imagine my little baby having a little brother. i donno who would have more trouble accepting that fact - him or me?
What is a home without children? Quiet ~Henny Youngman
Elmo! Thinking of buying that for my baby.. Now sibuk browsing searching which cartoon children character i should introduce to my baby.. A big no-no is to character yg fight eg: superman, ultraman etc..
Don't worry Amir will love his little bro no matter what, but just may be sometimes they will fight and gigit gigit.. heheh but tukan tanda nya sayang! Hhaha
banyak nye toys amir heheh
u bakal dapat hero jugak ke, sama le kite hehehe
ur son suka sesame street eh ? mine suka thomas and racing car. i think racing car tu ayah die play a big role to influence him hehehe
i pun worry mcm mana danial will adapt with the new baby. hopefully nanti die bule geng la.
hehehe...yeah. i love sesame street. memang i recommend kat all mothers to have one sesame street figure in their children's room. and also tengok lah sesame street banyak2. i used to watch religiously when i was young, not dah influence amir (and hubby who never watched when he was younger - he said he hated the bulu2 monsters). the good thing about sesame street is that its for all ages and parents dont get bored watching (at least for me).
LD - i tak sure boy ke tak? gynae tak berani confirm yet. but update when dah confirm nanti. danial excited ke dpt baby brother ni? at least dia dah faham about brothers kan, amir ni tak faham. nanti tau2 dah ada org lain atas katil with mummy. sure dia terkejut.
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