
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Its Late...

and i'm still at work!! today's been an ok day compared to the previous two. i had to man the office as the other admin was on leave. i was running around like a headless chicken. it was bad enough i didnt know the people and the procedures around here. to add to it, i had to book rooms and get signatures and send folders and despatch items to people and places i have never heard of before. but after all the stress, it was a good learning experience. at least within the space of 2 days i was able to familiarise myself with the place.

i'm alright with this place. i just wish it was closer to home so that i dont have to endure the 35-45 mins lrt ride with strangers blowing their cigaratte-laced breath in my face. i also miss amir like mad. he's adjusted himself well at my aunt's place. he loves it there because my 7 year old cousin loves playing with him. my aunt and bibik carries him around, so he's a bit 'manja'ed there. at home he'll be forced to walk.

its past 6pm now...the lrt should be less packed (still packed but less) so i better make my way back. plus my baby's waiting for me...


Cherry said...

ohhh not only you missing Amir. My Uqbah pun sibuk, everytime I start the Computer, he will ask to see Bee's photo. To him, Bee is his term for any cute baby photo and Amir's is one of Uqbah's favorite.

eiseais said... sweet :-)
drop by the house lah...then the boys can see each other. but sure dia malu if he meets amir face to face

Hot Mama said...

I guess that is the price to pay for career mom...Don't worry weekend kan ada. Tapi kan best if every company set up a childcare centre in the building... Masa lunch boleh gi jenguk.
Btw when is your next appt with Dr. M? I've cancelled mine this week. Going to c her next week.

eiseais said...

hot mama, actually that is one of my plans. to set up a daycare centre kat offices. either that or set up near by housing area. i love being with kids. seronok and they're so innocent.

my appt with dr M is on d 27th. lambat lagi but waiting for gaji to masuk. heh. i heard that this new place will cover the check up & labour cost so...yeay!!

mommy@lif said...

agreed with hot mama, you win some you lose some. anyway glad you're adjusting well @ new workplace.

nae said...

already staying back? hehehe... don't worry, u'll get use to it. won't happen everyday, rite? glad to hear amir adjustwell at ur aunt's place

Hot Mama said...

Eiseai, mine is next Monday.. wish me luck. Hopefully she is not so sarcastic dat day abt my weight.. Huwaa!!!

Ehh tak aci! siap cover check up tuu..boleh tak tanyer boss u boleh cover i punyer skali tak.. ala contra laa nanti i bagi free legal advice kay..Ahakas!!!


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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