...long weekends!! i've forgotten how much 3-day weekends mean to people who work. it was a blissful weekend. hubby & i rested to the max on saturday. no, we didnt sleep the morning away. ever since amir was born, we've never woken up past 7.30am. amir is our alarm clock, he'd wake me up for subuh. unfortunately, i'm not one of those who can take a nap during the day, so getting up early isnt all that great (
while naughty little amir would be napping for 2-3 hours come mid morning). anyway, hubby & i are early risers, by 9am we'd be in the mamak, having out roti telur & bawang and teh tarik. on saturday, we took amir to the babysitter's house, saja nak nyakat him. hubby told me to look out for his reaction once we reach the 1utama junction and particularly when we got to the honda showroom. sure enough, when we got to those places, amir was already fidgeting in his seat and whimpering.
we lepak-ed for a bit at my cousin's (cum amir's babysitter's) house. told my youngest cousin we were going to 1utama. he had that puppy dog eyes look...and we caved in. "dboy want to follow amir or go to kuantan?" (
he goes to kuantan every weekend.) sure enough, he said..."i want to go to utama" (
he refuses to speak malay for some reason). so we took him, promising his father we'd have him back by 2.30pm. we went to friday's, had cravings for buffalo wings. the roti telur & bawang hasnt been fully digested, so hubby & i just shared starters. as promised we sent dboy home and then went back. hubby & amir slept once we got home. it was too hot for me, so i read the papers instead. i made roast chicken and salad for dinner as hubby & i didnt feel like rice. in fact we havent had rice for a week now.
habislah, anak aku keluar kang jadi mat salleh. we had early dinner, then stayed in bed, watching all the premiership games on espn.
sunday started with a crash, literally!! one of our bedroom windows was faulty. the window's "i-donno-whats-it-called" was not screwed in properly, that thing that connects the window to the window sill. told hubby about it and he said...
ok lah, i buat nanti. nanti of course never came. when i opened the window to let the morning breeze in, it fell off its hinges and broke the window below it. thank god i was not standing right in front of it. the window was hanging by only 2 screws. it didnt break, surprisingly, but the frame below it was shattered. hubby gave me that "
omigod...what did you do" look. cepat-cepat i went to take my shower. when i came out of the bathroom, he had already taken the window, put it on the balcony and taken away all the shattered glasses.
we went for breakfast and came back thinking what should we do with the glass-less windows. the maintenance people wont be back for 2 days. hubby decided to buy some plywood. i told him to use cardbox box, easier. we thought it over, and went to get some boxes at the nearby shop (the kedai selling plywood was closed anyway). hubby decided to cover the bottom window frame and try to install back the window. wow...he really did manage to do it!! my very own tim the toolman taylor, though he looks more like bob the builder (
hehehehe...jgn marah). so that problem was solved. but the weekend hasnt ended, obviously the problems too havent ended. that night, the air-cond just stopped working. it stopped just like that. we were perspiring the whole night. amir couldnt sleep, hubby couldnt sleep and i couldnt sleep.
its not a surprise that this morning we woke up past 8.30am. ter-miss subuh. we went to do our groceries early. afraid that it'll get packed if we got there late. went in and got out within an hour. we saved a lot too. since i've been working, i havent cooked at home, so we didnt buy a lot of fresh products. bought a couple of trays of chicken and some veggies, more for my sandwiches. came back home, hubby & i felt extra energetic. we cleaned the whole of the upstairs. hubby cleaned the air-cond (
about time too!!) no wonder it stopped working last night. the filter was so dusty, it didnt look like a filter anymore. i vacuumed amir's room & our room, after hubby finished cleaning the poor excuse of an air-cond. then we went downstairs. i prepared the food to cook for dinner, while hubby vacuumed the floor. amir was happily eating his potato bread (
the boy has put on some serious weight, alhamdulillah).
then we went back up. i went to clean our bathroom while hubby took the car to the car wash. amir was still eating. i was shivering while waiting for hubby to come back. we didnt have lunch and we did so many things. once he got back, he accompanied me in the kitchen while i cooked a simple meal for dinner. white rice, ayam goreng kunyit (
which is the best type of ayam goreng), sambal telur & kailan ikan masin (
i'm more of a kangkung belacan fan, kailan ikan masin is hubby's favourite). we ate dinner early since i was darn hungry, not only that i also wanted an early night. i managed to slip in a round of laundry while hubby bathed amir.
so there...i think my 3-day weekend was used positively. how come my previous weekends were not this eventful? anyway, cant wait for the next 3-day weekend. we may be going off for a couple of nights. its been a long time since we had gone off, just the 3 of us. it'll be either cameron or kuantan. cameron would have strawberries while kuantan would have juicy prawns. decision...decisions...