
Monday, November 10, 2014

Sports Day 2014

my year end's always filled various school activities. we had a couple of weeks of final exams then there's the parents-teachers day, concerts, returning and receiving text books. once the exams were over and all the books have been returned, the boys' agama school started preparing for their sports day. i do like the fact that the sports day is scheduled at the end of the year as it wouldn't disrupt the children's studies. plus once the text books have been returned, they don't actually have anything to do in class (read: eskay).

the boys only had a week to practice which is quite good, as it gets really hot during the day. amir came home with a bad sore throat towards the end of the week.

the event started on time on the day, surprisingly. we were a bit late as we assumed it would start late, as these events usually do. when we arrived at 10 minutes passed 8am, the children were already in line, doing simple aerobics with one of the ustaz. then it went a bit downhill as we had speeches after speeches so we took the time to have breakfast in the canteen.

about half an hour after that they started the actual sports events. i also like this bit, they ran three events concurrently, so at one time all there boys were doing their events. ariff had to pull a ball with a hoop while asyraf had to jump with a ball and throw a hoop. funny that ariff's turn came just as asyraf's turn ended. both ariff and asyraf's team came in first - at almost the same time!

amir had to wait a while as his street soccer team were up second. he captained his team and scored a beautiful goal that led them to the final against the red team. unfortunately they lost 0-2 in the final and were in second place.

we wanted to leave once their events concluded but they wanted to stay until the prize giving ceremony. the sports day ended before noon and we had brunch before going home to sleep the afternoon away.

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the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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