
Monday, February 03, 2014

Amir's Surprise Barbeque

after many, many cancelations, postponements, dates checkings, we finally had amir's surprise birthday barbecue during the long weekend. the boys didn't know we were having guests over and when they found out, amir didn't know it was for him as his birthday was during the earlier part of the month.

he was absolutely surprised when the cake came out and it was lovely he got a dinner with his aunts and uncles as he wanted, and he probably would ask for it again next year. oh well…we'll think about it in a year's time.

i prepared lemon and herb chicken, beef kebabs and salad. i also had burgers just in case those were not enough. my mom brought roti daging to go with the barbecue and nescafe jelly. my sister made mashed potatoes so the table was pretty full.

if anyone wants the recipe for the chicken and the kebab. not patting myself on the back or anything but the lemon and herb chicken was excellent.

lemon and herb chicken
chicken drumstick
sliced lemons
salt and pepper
put all in a tupperware and stick them in the fridge for a few hours then pop them on the grill (easy enough hey?)

beef kebab
beef cubes (marinated with mixed herbs, vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper for a couple of hours)
cherry tomatoes
button mushroom
put the beef cubes, tomatoes, capsicum and button mushroom on a satay stick. leave them in the fridge until they're about to be grilled (err…yes another easy one)

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the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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