
Monday, January 14, 2013

Amir Turns Eight

we celebrated the first birthday of 2013 last week when amir turned 8 years old last week. he's getting to be so big, can't believe in a couple of years his age will be in the double digits.

amir is...well, let me start with the positive things first...he's responsible. he loves things that he gets and he would always take care of them. fine, there's some accidents with his PSP and lost stationeries in school, but that's normal i guess. he still brings his alarm clock that we bought 3 years ago around the house, even though its no longer working properly. we gave him a watch for his birthday, something he's been asking for the longest time, and he wears it day and night. when we ask him to take it off to sleep, he would put it next to his pillow. he appreciates what he receives and tries, as much as an eight year old boy can, to take care of them.

amir is a loving elder brother. he loves the fact that asyraf is in the same school with him. he brings him around, tells everyone who his younger brother is, waits for asyraf when the school ends, looks for him during recess time. i bet he would be nervous as heck when akmal starts primary school, especially as they won't be in the same session.

amir likes schedules. he likes to be kept occupied. he likes seeing his timetable to see what he has in school, he likes looking at the calendar to see what is going on in the month. when he's not occupied (like he was during the school holidays) he gets restless and starts disturbing everyone. while asyraf and ariff can find things to do on their own, amir likes a more structured plan so that he knows what he has done and what he will be doing.

on the creative side, he likes writing notes, about what happened in school, what happened with his friends, what he wants to do. he likes to draw and scribbles notes to accompany them. he's very neat and would erase his scribbles again and again to get them perfect.

on his birthday, we had a small cake-cutting & candle-blowing for amir. we surprised him after dinner with a few slices of cake and his gift.

amir also requested to have a birthday dinner 'dekat chilis macam hari tu' and wanted to invite the family. he was the best host, thanking everyone for coming and for the presents he got.

1 comment:

AdanyaKauUntukku said...

ila tak sempat lagi nak celebrate birthday fahim.......

at least adalah tiup lilin potong kek bersama keluarga kan..sob sob..sian fahim...

btw.....Happy Birthday Abang Amir..dah jadi big boy..tak sangka dah lapan tahun yek.......


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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