
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Chapter Closed

akmal izzat (yes...i actually call him by his full name) turns 11 months today. another month and he'll shuffle his way into toddlerhood, leaving our house baby-less after 5 years. hubby and i have decided that we'll stop at four. i know there are people who say try for a girl, never say stop, we'll miss having a baby in the house, yada yada yada. but for us, we've reached our limit and we want to move on. yes, maybe we'll get emotional somewhere down the road about having babies but that'll pass. for now, we'll enjoy not having to wake up for night feeds.

as we slowly move into this new phase with akmal, there's a few thank yous i'd like to make. thank yous to all that have helped me throughout the 5 wonderful years of being a mummy to little babies (at times with big voices)...
  • enfalac, enfalac AR, enfalac LF - before the A+ took over, now i hate them!
  • enfapro - for a while, once the transition has been done, they move on to dupro
  • enfagrow - just for a while because they smell so 'sweet'
  • dulac - much better priced than the mead johnson range
  • dupro - akmal is stopping this soon
  • sustagen - amir had this for a while before he completely stopped taking formula
  • gerber (all sorts) - amir only ate gerber
  • heinz - and heinz
  • farley's rusk - the boys still eat this though
  • nestum - asyraf can only eat plan nestum (nestum beras) before he turned one
  • pampers - only amir wore this brand
  • drypers - i hate their zap
  • huggies - i love them: ultra, dry, dry comfort, swimmers, pull up pants
  • nappikleen - i love the smell
  • sebamed - good for eczema, dry skin-prone like the boys
  • first teeth - the boys first toothpaste
  • mittens & booties - a killer to wash and dry and store
  • baby napkins - for swaddling, which only last between 2 weeks to a month
  • cotton wools - for cleaning doo doo
  • baby carrier - served us well since amir was 3 days old til akmal turned 6 months old
  • graco stroller - amir's stroller that asyraf used for a while
  • ikea baby tub - amir's first bath tub
  • clothes - newborn, sizes 0-3months, 0-6months, 6-9months, 6-12months (though some akmal's still wearing)
  • hooded towel - a tad too small for akmal now, time to buy yellow towels for him (yellow is his colour)
i honestly cant wait to close the lid on the baby storage box. i've taken out the 1 year old clothes and have washed them during my long medical leave. soon i'll put all the below 12months clothes in the box and put them at the back of the closet. i've also moved the boys clothes around, putting amir's clothes into asyraf's drawers,asyraf's into ariff's drawers,ariff's into akmal's drawers. one of these weekends, i'm going to spend some time clearing their shoes at the cabinet outside.

a month shy from akmal's birthday party, i'm about 80% done. i've set the date and time, decided on the theme, ordered the favours, ordered the invites, booked the cake, booked the photographer, ordered t-shirts for the boys, booked something 'extra'. the only pending items are the food (and the canopies and tables and chairs) and things for deco. another 32 days and counting...


cida said...

wah! tutup kilang ek, mummy.. tak per la.. org boleh kata apa pun ye tak.. yg tentukan hidup kita, kita sendiri. heheh baju2 infant tu kalau nk buang, buang dlm drawer muadz ok jgn buang tong sampah heheh. Tp bak pepatah melayu "excident no smell.." ekekek kalau ada rezeki jgn ditolak :P cheer!

Nurul Diana@Mama=Adam + Aidil + Ayra said...

tiba2 sy plk rasa emo bila baca tiap patah perkataan kak sally ... apa2 pun tetap tabik spring kat kak & hubby ;-)

emly2175 said...

bestnya that part of your life is now closed definitely. i still have another 5 more years to go b4 i hit that big four zero..anakpun baru je 2 org..

ShilaShower said...

cida, excident no smell tu macam i lah skarang. kuikuikuikui. my baby is just 9 months young and i'm 2 months pregnant now.

semua orang tanya, "bolehhh keerrr??" and of course banyak raised eye brows jugak.

then i said, i know someone from the blog who has 4 boys and living a great wonderful life macam orang lain. mungkin lebih dari orang lain pun. *ok tak kenal pun you in person, hihihihi*

i adore the way you managed to raise the kids, countless laundry semua, and i ingat gambar u letak huru hara dalam rumah dengan 4 boys when the mommy not around, so skarang, "saya yakin boleh!"

you are supermommy!

eiseais said...

cida...hehehe kalau mama muadz dtg boleh je kita open table. tukar suka sama suka :)

diana...hehehe...jgn emo2, kena happy2. kitorg happy je nak move on ni...excited even hehehe

emly...i pun got 5 years to go before the 4-0. tu yg nak stop cos i need to get my health back.

mrs kown...hi, welcome :) aiyoo...i experienced twice the 'accident no smell'. once when ariff was 7 months, the other when asyraf was just 2 months old. and i hope not to repeat that anymore...hence heavy reliance on yasmin pills hehehe. i do wonder sometimes, who read my blog...macam boring je, ada org nak baca ke? thanks for reading, i do hope what i write is not merely scribbles and do have a positive effect of some sort on other people. p/s i love your blog template. i'm in the midst of revamping mine tapi cant find one that suits me...


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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