
Wednesday, August 19, 2009


all kinds of feelings come about when i see this photo...happy, sad, excited, proud, tired beyond belief, tickled, angry, loved. to make mummy feel better, lets go make your passport boys...

amir drives me crazy with his questions and opinions...
asyraf makes me angry with his hyperness and pinching and kicking...
ariff annoys with his constant fighting with asyraf...
akmal stresses me out with his cries...


Nurul Diana@Mama=Adam + Aidil + Ayra said...

alahai .. tgk muka comel dorg hero tiga nieh .. hilang tensiii .. sabar kak ;-)

AdanyaKauUntukku said...

kecik nyer si mmg amik gambar masa asyraf tu kecit lagik

nzh1979 said...

muka lain2.. bila combine.. dpt muka mummy ngan daddy..ehehe
geram tgk pipi budak2 ni..rasa nak geget..ahahhahaha

egain said...

anak-anak, macam2 ragam yg kekadang memningkan kepala. tp the moment they all out of sight, Ya Allah rindunya

mommamia said...

look at all your heroes!i pulak tak semena2 berasa bangga tgk pic ni sally,apatah lagi u mummy yg dah melahirkan these cutie boys,lagi la bangga dan mcm tak cayakan,ye lah started from only u and hubby,skang dah berkembang jadik 6!-i paham perasaan bercampur baur tu,tp try tgk kalu sorang takde,menggelupur rindu


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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