
Friday, August 01, 2008

Visiting the Doctors

i cant remember the last time we brought all three boys to visit the doctor at one time. this time around, we had no choice. both amir and ariff had their follow up with the ENT and asyraf had 2 jabs overdue, so rather than go at different times - and take extra days off - we brought all at one time.

and now we know why we dont do this a lot! it was hectic trying to handle all three while waiting for the doctor, while with the doctor, while waiting for medication. asyraf especially was testing our patience.

the ENT gave amir a clean bill of health. after taking all the medication, he was fine and his ears have all dried up. he still have slight sniffles, so we should continue giving him actifed. this mat kurus only weigh 13kg.

he has absolutely no problem. since 2 of asyraf's jabs are overdue, the peadiatrician gave both at one time - one on each shoulder. he didnt cry but he told dr azizi off. even when he got home he mumbled everytime he saw the bandages on his shoulders. asyraf now weigh 10kg

his ears are inflamed, a sign that the bacteria hasnt gone for good. dr awal did not prescribe new antibiotics and said to let the bacteria go away by itself and for the eardrums to heal. dr azizi mentioned that ariff had a blocked nose by looking at his face. dr awal confirmed it and gave him more phenergen hoping that his nose will dry up soon. ariff is now 9.5kg (look at the reading on that scale!!)

hubby and me
we're just waiting for a doctor to prescribe us with a long holiday.


Liza said...

Prescription for long holidays?? Which doctor?? I want too!! I remembered when my kids were younger, I can relate to the situation that you just described.
P/s : in no time ariff will overtake asyraff's weight...sungguh geram ku lihat si mokmok tu...comel sungguh!!

nzh1979 said...

tak sabar tgk ariff junior start jln.. suke tgk ..dengan terkedek2 cute sgt..eheh

cepatnye masa berjalan..tak lama lagi ariff pon dah setahun kan kan..ehehe ;)

Anonymous said...

ear infection? didnt he cry ina? GOSH last two weeks afia experienced her first ear infection due to papa mandikan anak and masuk air dlm telinga..duh! it was horrifying tul, she cried for two nights sakit..sumer kami end up jd zombie tak leh tido gaks, finally GP prescribe antibiotics and gone all together after discharge kuar..eii mmg lg horror dr die demam..mok mok mmg everlasting mok mok..hehe

mommamia said...

infection at eardrum?hmm same case with irina last time, then my sister (she's and audiologist)suspected that irina's eardrum berlobang!gerun i dgr, but luckily it's not dat serious, but it took quite a long time for her ear to heal,i sampai pernah ckp ngan daycare jgn mandikan dia ptg,biar i yg mandikan,i taknak nnti air masuk telinga-it's good to know that all 3 boys are getting ok esp mokmoks, wah!!geram betul tgk pic dia atas weighing machine tuh!

so,mommy and daddy ok tak? ye lah,a looooong holidays is the right remedy for both of u,i pun nak prescribe cuti2 msia utk diri sendiri,syok sndiri betul kan?:)

snowhite75 said...

omg..can i geget itu mokmoks???...
pls la..jgn pose roper gitu yeee...antie gee geram bangett deh!!
love to see bebdudak berkepala gondol..lucky ayyaz jenis rambut nipis jee ;o)

Anonymous said...

kak sally...pesal gee nye komen kuar nama yus ekkk??..sungguh ku tk prasan arr...kang org kata kite menceroboh id lak...

mom2que said...

omyGod is that bread on top of asyraf's head!?? hahaha priceless!

pening kan layan all boys? i dua boys pon dah pening but at the end of the day tergelak2 i terkenang keletah masing2.

Jungle Playland said...

I wanted to snap pictas at Dr.M's clinic tapi i had to help him since he doesn't have an assistant.
I think Ariff is biggest and tallest kan among them. I don't know why i'm so fascinated with Ariff. Ever since that daylaa kot huhuhu

Adnan pun due 2 jabs before he is 1years old.

Mom2que: Tell me about it. Taking care of 2 boys memang hard tapi its all wrth it kan.


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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