
Monday, October 22, 2007


i want to update but i have no idea what i should update. the boys...they go through so many changes, it would be a long entry. my daily activities...what daily activities, i've been at home for the longest time (not that i dont love it...i absolutely love my time at home). my house projects...that's been put on hold till my next ker-ching. asyraf's birthday project...that's almost done (i gotta go book the cake & finish the adult favours). work...urgh...who wants to talk about work (i think i wanna ask for departmental transfer).

so this entry will be all pictures. as they say a picture paints a thousand words...

amir with too much energy last night, he took a late afternoon nap. ready, get set...

go...and go some more...and some more...just like the duracell rabbit...

asyraf follows abang long everywhere...

the ultimate budak baik. did not cry when given his bath, heck...he actually continued sleeping while hubby bathed him. woke up when he was being dressed...

first pictures of my 3 heroes. ariff looks so small compared to his abang long and abang...


mommamia said...

hope i tak terlambat nak wish congrats on yr newborn baby ariff yg cute and selamat hari raya jugak even dah 1 week plus beraya huhu-suka tgk pic2 raya u with the boys,and jeles i ni tgk u baru seminggu gave birth dah boleh melaram baju kebaya,u look fit la,mcm bukan org berpantang jer,i masa pantang dulu rupa horror sgt!kalau kain kebaya tu confirm la sangkut kat peha dah,congrats again sally,hope u enjoy yr time with ur 3 lovely boys!

AdanyaKauUntukku said...

suka tgk amir nganga mulut cam tu


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
Images by Freepik