
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Start Him Young

hubby & i always let amir roam around us while we pray. we dont mind him sitting on the prayer mat or looking at us or watching us pray. i know some parents would prefer to put their children aside as the children would disrupt their prayers, but to us, moving aside a few steps to avoid him is not a big deal. at least he's familiar with the prayer mat and knows what it is for. he also knows to sujud whenever we say "Allahu akbar". now he's moved a step forward and would raise both arms when we say "Allahu akbar". he even know that daddy's kain is for prayers. if hubby prays in his office attire amir would call him and bring over the kain pelekat to him. lets just hope it'll be easy to teach him to pray properly, insyaallah...


Hot Mama said...

At first i thot they made kain pelekat for toddlers. Hahah!!
Anyway its true, start teaching them at a very young age...

He is so adorable!

Lazydaisy said...

danial pun sometimes sibuk jugak yg semayang, ambik wuduk, usually nanti die akan ada session boys praying time with his baba hehe

eiseais said...

HM - kalau ada kain pelekat for toddlers, i'd get 1 for amir. sure cute kan? hehehe...

lazydaisy - i get so choked up when amir stands on the sejadah. tapi geram jugak when he starts showing his bum bum to me when i pray hehe...

mock said... balut nangka...

eh, y so long dah phone out of order nih?

eiseais said...

mockkkkkkk...i donnoooooo
3 weeks dah ni

Anonymous said...

Amboi amir...cutenyer dier..nak solat ekk..nak jadieq iman mama n papa amir ekk... ahaks....

rina said...

semoga amir akan jadi anak yang soleh nanti... amin.

Cherry said...

In indonesia they do hv kain pelikat for kids. I've a few present from Bibik's trip home as well as my aunties from Indonesia. another option is to make Gamis for them . Gamis is the jubah - kids look so solemn in white gamis.

Kristen Brown said...

Truly a fine approach to express and looking an exceptionally charming article with loaded with solid data. I am unquestionably going to enlighten in my class concerning this stage and the data shared here. Extremely elegantly composed. Modern prayer mat


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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