my mind's so preoccupied with this "what i want for my family / making my family settled" thoughts, that i need some stress reliever.

some people go for massage, some go watch a movie, some have a nice cup of coffee, some read a good book. i cant do any of mind will be even more preoccupied with thoughts of "what are the boys doing..." (reminds me of the time when i broke down in the cinema because i missed amir so much).
hi, m putting up this comment in response to ur entry dated april d 5th....since u've choosen d present, we'll buy (i mean i pay) it that i get the right one this time (note: colour, size, finishing, material, etc. must be precise...and the shop u r buying from too....)
:-) cheers
Your boys really look alike lah..Geram tgk! So adorable! Who says dapat sepasang (boy and girl) best. I would prefer two of the same gender...Now, I understand nape you nak another boy (and u sooo confident that it's gonna be boy again).
On your last post, I really salute you can cope with two boy without maid. And now still refuse to take maid with coming no 3. Your plan is superblah! Hope you got easy baby no3, so you can really cope. I pernah maid-less before, and it feels great that I can serve the family 100%. But now, I dah manja dah. Can't live without maid...not when the kids are this small...
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