i have friends that i've known since i was 13. that's a long, long time ago. we've known each other for more than 18 years, since i was in secondary school. it wasnt easy making friends at that age and at that time. for one, i wasnt from the primary school...i went to another school. they all "graduated" to form 1 together. i thought i'd have trouble making friends. plus, at that age...girls are very 'click'y. mock, trueblue, saigon cat, zets are some of the girls i made friends with from that age, and am still in touch with.

and friends that i made during my uni years...nina, paie, aju, eti, fahmi, man, aida, gee, karen, lucy. this was also a scary experience. i went overseas on my own (budak FAMA...) while the other students were scholars, who came in a group. i also stayed in a dorm where i was probably the only malay in the whole college (other than siti who i lepak-ed with during breakfast; and of course my abang iri). we still meet up for lunch, or children's birthdays, or we via the email. however the means, we are still in touch.

now that i'm old and blogging and forum-ming, i'm surprised that i can still find friends who are genuine. not easy as you only know them virtually and what you gather from what they've written may not be what they actually mean. the risk of misunderstanding is big. but the friends that i made over my blogging tenure...nae, dot, lia, nad, erin, diana...are great. we email, we sms, we talk, we blog & comment, we meet up. granted, there are times when the malu-malu kucing feeling creeps up when we meet, but i'm sure it'll pass over time.
i'm thankful that i'm blessed with great friends. friends i can laugh with, cry with, get angry with, depend on if i need some advice, share jokes with, lepak with, lunch with. to my friends (those i've mention and those that...well, you know who you are), may our friendship continue to grow and blossom.
and to my best friend...birthday present tu nak hutang sampai bila? ;P

We've got SOOO many memories together, its just too hard to forget them just like that.
I know we don't meet that much and maybe not as close as we used to be (i miss the school days!) but you are one of those friends that I'll treasure for the rest of my life. I just wanted you to know that :)
You rock, girl! Take care...
eh - how come the picture at Victoria Station (haha - kan?) of you and syam is a bit blur blur? nways i may have not had the pleasure of knowing you that long (hmmm - is 13 yrs too short?), i would consider you one of my bestest buds in the whole world ((shy!!))
p/s ada org tu byk plan sampai nak come over to say hi to Erica pun tak sempat :-( Oh, I'm back in Sudan but Ckn is home
So sweet! Genuine frens are so hard to find... but there are out there somewhere, we just need to dig further to have these type of frens...
New frens are easy to find now adayskan.. just click streamyx... heheh
p/s i know how u feel.. Me also FAMA / MAS (mak ayah sponsor) hahaha!!!
me too feel amazed that i can still find frens at this age. tot that frens only can be found during school days. now, i'm reaching out to all my old frens...
Oh my god!! Ada gambar from bila tu!!
And youre expecting again, congrats!! (actually i dah tau but i dont know if i have congratulated you or not)
but what i definitely did not know was, boy numero tres???? wow!! terrorla you nak jadi cooking mum and all,... i cant even cook for myself let alone a family of boys!
anyway, 13 years? you mean we've know each other since we are 13 right?? thats like a LOT of years!! ( i wont reveal the no of years, cos im supposed to be 25++:)
We definitely don't meet as often as we should, but thank God for the blogs and also through Mockster, i still get updates with whats happening in your life.
Take care (mama) chica!
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