saturday - AM
hubby went to service the car. he took his laptop with him to do some work (with no talkative amir & mua & crying asyraf to disturb him). i asked my sister to babysit amir as asyraf is going thru a rough period at the moment (when is he not?) at least with no abg long around, he'd be able to get some sleep and i can devote my time to him. he's currently at this stage where he would scream his lungs out whenever he's left alone. i dont mean just shout and scream, i mean serious crying with tears streaming down his face. as soon as he sees someone he'd stop crying.
asyraf fell asleep soon after his morning feed and a bath.
i had time to have a nice quiet breakfast with amir before my sis picked him up.
saturday - PM
went to the korean restaurant in kompleks antarabangsa. its one of my dad's favourite restaurants and we've been going there for ages. the beef is lovely. we were supposed to go last week to celebrate my sister's birthday but my dad had dinner plans. so it was postponed a week.
sunday - AM
we've not been going to 1 utama (our favourite hang-out) for ages. amir's been asking for "giant" for the longest time. i promised him a visit during the break. we wanted to take asyraf's passport photo and develop his old photos. i've got 2 cds of his photo still not developed. poor asyraf...amir have loads and loads of albums and framed pictures around the house. dont want to think we wont be doing the same for him (of course not, abang...)
while waiting for the pictures, we had breakfast at the paddington house of pancakes. its our first time there (eh malu nak admit...) but the food was great. even amir finished 2 pancakes.
then we went to home's harmony to look at curtains and get a bathmat. i'm looking for big pillows and a mickey or pooh carpet for the family room. next bet is giant, shah alam.
sunday - PM
i finally got hubby to move the tv cabinet into the family room. now i can start storing my video tapes, cds and dvds. its off to phase two of family room project.
monday - AM
went to the immigration department in pusat bandar damansara to do asyraf's passport. wasnt looking forward to this at all. dealing with government agencies really frustrates people. so far (and this is not saying a lot) only jpn, and only the putrajaya branch, is pretty ok. i remember standing and waiting in line when i went to do amir's passport at the immigration office in shah alam. i was 7 months pregnant, carrying an 18 month-old toddler (no...a stroller isnt recommended at a place like this!!) i had to force them to open the special counter for pregnant women. they had the nerve to say "kak, counter khas tu tak bukak lah" yeah...that's why i'm asking you to open it, i can see very well that its not open. funny how they proudly state that they have a special counter to help those needing special help, yet they dont open that counter. its just for show!
we prepared all the documents beforehand as they charge a bomb for a simple photocopy of an IC. i also downloaded and printed the form from their site, as somehow i have a feeling they'd run out of forms. it was a frustrating, frustrating trip to the immigration. it started off well, but went downhill soon after. an entry on that will follow.
monday - PM
went to one utama for a late lunch. hubby and i managed to have a quite meal as both boys slept. we lepak-ed for a bit at friday's then went off to toys r us in search of a new stroller for asyraf. also bought a pump for amir's pool.
amir was his hyper self once we got home (courtesy of the lunchtime nap) i put on the elmo cd i bought at toys r us, while hubby vacuumed the new family room and the dining area (tiba miniba rajin pulak mamat ni...) of course, hubby being hubby, he's not satisfied with just vacuuming the floors, he also vacuumed the walls, ceiling, door corners and lights (kat mana ada dust, kat situ lah dia target vacuum tu...) he's actually better at this vacuuming thing than i am. amir was having a ball in the new room which is almost complete.
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