went out for breakfast at the usual place in taman tun. hubby sent asyraf and i home, before going out again with amir. he's working these 2 days...something about road-tweaking for bus routes. yesterday he went out alone, but today he took amir with him.
asyraf slept once we reached home, so i had time to do a few housework. did a load of laundry (asyraf's things...), then cleaned the ironing room a bit (took out the exersaucer and brought up the ironing board plus my shirts - i know i said i hate ironing but i've got just this many maternity wear that i need to iron them myself. if i wait for our monthly trip to the drycleaners, i'd run out of shirts), cleaned asyraf's car seat, cleaned the exersaucer, switched on the ambi-pur and lit the scented candles, switched on surah al-baqarah to 'clean' the house, cleaned amir's room and toys, and finished off with another load of laundry (carpets, kitchen towels etc).
later in the evening, i'll vacuum all the room upstairs. i'm not one who has a lot of furniture and keeps small items, so vacuuming is actually very easy. mopping, on the other hand, is something
i hate doing... i'm also starting on asyraf's birthday favours. i know its too early but it needs some time to organise. its not something expensive...i wont spend more than $2 on it, honestly. but preparing it would take a bit of time. its the first time i've come across a favour like this, and i think its such a good gift. i'm hoping the guests would like it as well...
on second thoughts, its not really a lazy sunday, is it?
i think u should check the dic the meaning of word lazy..hehe
lazy means: disinclined to work or do anything requiring effort.
Dutch: lui
French: paresseux
German: faul
Italian: pigro
Spanish: perezoso, holgazán
my wife's dictionary is slightly diversed and it's interesting :-)
laaa...if hubby had to work on Saturday, y u didnt gv Amir to tiza je?
eiseai ni bukannya tak faham the meaning of lazy...she just has CCD (compulsive cleaning disorder) so u hv 2 forgive her...
its a disease she had since kecik n it stimes irritates the hell out of the rest of us...hahahahahahaha...
eiseai's CCD includes disappearing all the barang2 we get from Raya hamper, never to be found again.
this sometimes also happens the exact same day we get the barang2 or the day after..
it used to drive bonda crazy cuz dulu the munchies were within easy reach, now sudah tiada.....
eiseai...mebe u can come to my office and do filing for me, as well as filing for my papers at home...akakakaka
kak sally ni cute tau!!
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