child labour ke ni ? kecik2 dah training, bagus prospect. btw amir need company tak, my boys would be thrilled naik turun bus do the route-tweaking ...
the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
A home-maker, wife of a footie nut and mummy of four active boys and a baby girl with very different personalities. Loves travelling, shopping, good food and Manchester United. Spends hours doing (and redoing) lists. Loves order...hates chaos.
baru sehari bekerja, amir dah pengsan..ehe..sgt comell
heh...tu lah ain. camne nak kerja mcm ni...hahaha
ala amir.. ye ye je tired. auntie bwk baby, org tak mo kasi seat, Gombak-Bkt Jalil, steady je :P (amir ade "org dlm" lagi, senang-senang dpt seat :P)
correction...hubby says its "route-tweaking" not "road-tweaking" bad.
auntie kombat...mummy amir pun slalu tak dpt seat. lagi2 org penat lepas kerja kan *grrrr* cap nampak...nice colour...
finally realised the old one tak muat ye? the kesan on his forehead tu wasnt that obvious kot ;)
eh, better to get asyraf's party organized sooner so we can concentrate on the 'other' one...
child labour ke ni ? kecik2 dah training, bagus prospect. btw amir need company tak, my boys would be thrilled naik turun bus do the route-tweaking ...
Mesti best naik bas. Mcm ninuk my children pun suka naik bas. Parentnya je yg tak sanggup :)
kelakarnya tengok amir...nampak excited sungguh dia dlm bus tuh...nampak happy jerk :)
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