amir's been having high fever and diarrhea the past 2 days. it started on friday night when he was burning up. he wasnt in a good mood when we went to zu's housewarming. we went as early as possible to escape the lunchtime crowd. the food was great but it was difficult to eat with asyraf walking everywhere and amir being difficult. he even chided angela and i when we talk a bit too loudly in the car.
asyraf's wheezing has gone but i'm still administering the medicine. he's getting cheekier. he loves munching on biscuits and would have a great big smile on his face when eating. he knows to sit when i ask him to "sit down please" after getting his biscuits.
ariff is salivating a lot nowadays. is he teething?
amir's birthday is in a week's time and i'm planning small party for him at school. i bought the favours to match the theme he's chosen at toys r us. i still havent ordered the cake. it'll be a simple mickey mouse cake. i'll be on leave friday next week (since the thursday is a public holiday) so i plan to have the party then. he was so excited he wanted to wear his mickey mouse pajamas that night.
before the boys were born, i was determined not to use pacifiers. i really hate that thing. but children have a way of pacifing themselves without the actual pacifiers. amir has to put his fingers in his mouth while watching the telly and before sleeping, while asyraf must carry his bottle everywhere.
i noticed that the teachers have been calling ariff by his second name. how did they decide to call him that? i know i never addressed ariff by his second name. then i realised that it could be from amir. amir would always call his youngest brother "ariff kuuuuwannnnnn..." emphasising (extremely) on the iqhwan rather than the ariff. somehow i'm not too happy about it.
i remember once, someone asked me. it wasnt really asking but more of...tell me!! asyraf was playing near me and he was up to mischief. immediately i went (as i always do when asyraf gets into trouble) "izzuddin..." the person near me asked "so is it asyraf or izzuddin now?!" rather harshly. excuse me...first of all, i'm the mother...i chose the name...its my right to call him by his first, second or first plus second names. secondly...i've never hid the fact that i call him "asyraf" in front of you, so you follow my lead and call him by the same name.
another person also informed me...asyraf will be called its a known fact and unavoidable. she said it was true and confirmed it by saying all her friends whose name is ashraf/asyraf/ashraff/asyraff are called that. i told her...that's what a friend call because friends do that, they make up names for you, they cut and paste your name, they play around with your name. but just because someone calls his or her friend by a name, doesnt mean that the name is used by everyone. i doubt the person's parents or family members call them by the same name conjured up by a friend.
so for my boys, the A is preferred, while the I is for certain occasions. i think i've got to let the teachers know...