
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Getting All Nostalgic

hubby's out playing snooker with his friends while amir's taking a nap. i wanted to nap with him, but i get headache if i sleep during the day (darn it...i used to be able to sleep for hours without getting a heavy head!). so i browsed through the old (ceh...macam lah old sangat) photos of amir.

here's some that i managed to upload. not in order cos i usually change the name so i've lost track of the sequence (malas nak refer to date...)

me & amir on his first birthday

hubby making amir laugh for the first time...

his first attempt at eating

amir & his keekae

amir & keekae again...

amir's first day home

amir mok mok

amir in his casper jammies (going to be adik's soon...)

rapper amir...

another rapper pose...

eskimo amir

amir laughing...

sexee amir...

pakai smart nak keluar...


Hot Mama said...

Ala Amir so cute! I like the photo where he just came back from the hosp.

Btw did anyone tell u that Amir looks like u? He has ur nose and smile... Comel gitu!

eiseais said...

HM...thank u!! everyone keep telling me he looks like hubby, and i'm going....nooooooooo. he's mine!! hahahaha...dulu dia mok mok kan? now he's so thin. asyik running & memanjat je...

CapsLock MakcikPC said...

cute la amir.nanti baby caps lahir..caps nak suruh possing mcm abg amir ni jugak..heheheh

Lazydaisy said...

a few days ago i was on mc and teman my mom pegi colour rambut die at her favourite salon, i was browsing through the mag when i saw you hehhehe
yes you and the man uni collections, walawehhh mmg peminat setia eh ? nanti amir pun ikut mama die jugak ke ni ?

ur amir reminds me of my danial masa die baby, chubby chubby gitu heheh
skrg ni dah besar, panjang je

trueblue said...

*sigh* our kids grow up so fast.

eiseais said...

LD...yeah, that's me! came out in nona 2 months ago :-) heh...amir cant follow me, unfortunately. made a pact with hubby that we wouldnt force him to support either united or arsenal. so long as its not liverfool, any spanish or italian team.

trueblue...yeah, just yesterday we were being rude to replacement teachers kan?

trueblue said...

Haha...replacement that is what I call nostalgic moments :)

Anonymous said...

the pic on his first day home reminds me of my own Amir. he too has sooo much hair before kena cukur!!

Ezalman said...

hi salina - good of you to keep your bloggie up to date

Hot Mama - I once told salina that Amir is a chip of Salina's block too! to me the eyes and the'bags' underneath it were the dead giveaway

~LoVeLyZz CoRnErZz~ said...



the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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